our first christmas

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Christmas day

5 am

I woke up and smiled looking at rem sleeping so peacefully, i slowly but subtly got out of bed and walked to ems room and saw he was awake and drawing.

"Hey, merry christmas" I whisper walking into his bedroom. He looked up from his sketchbook and gave me a smile, shy was next to em still sleeping. I giggled quietly and I ruffled his hair then walked back to my room carefully and shook Rem's arm.

A soft groan escaped his lips "vampire wake up it's christmas" i said while playing with his hair gently.

His eyes fluttered open, his tired eyes greeted me. I blushed slightly and kissed the top of his head. He gently pulled me down to cuddle him and placed small short sweet kisses on my neck.

We were interrupted by shy and em walking into our room and smiled at us both. "Merry christmas guys" shy said with a soft yet quiet tone. Em leaned on the door frame and shook his head. I stuck my tongue out at him playfully and smiled.

"Come on vampire get up" I say successfully getting out his grasp and pulling his arm. He smiled and sat up then slowly got out of bed and pulled on a hoodie then walked downstairs. He opened the door and yawned.

The bright lights of the tree shone in my face, I closed my eyes a bit and smiled. Seb and larisa followed after us and sat on the floor and brought mishka in his lap.

Em and shy sat down as well, em hugged pepper next to him, rem sat me down on his lap and played with my hair. "So who's opening what first?" i question. Em shrugged then handed shy a gift and seb did the same. I handed him his gift and kissed his cheek, "hope you like it" I said softly and moved over a bit so I could see his reaction.

He slowly unwrapped the gift and had a bright smile on his face. "Aww baby bat i love it" he said kindly and cuddled me kissing all over my face.

I giggled and played with his hair. I got him a harry potter ring and dark mark necklace, i knew he would love it since he did have a thing for harry potter, i mean who didn't?

Pepper scooted over to me and sat in my lap and licked my hand, I smiled and petted her gently. "She's taking a liking to you" em chimed, i shrugged "didn't know i was the likeable type" i joke then ate a candy cane from the tree.

I noticed that I took the gift that I got him from under the tree and slowly unwrapped it, "oh my days Scarlett, you didn't have to do that," he said, giving me a small hug. I got em some new incents and a new sketch book and some professional sketching pencils.

"It's no problem, em don't worry about it" i said hugging him back, em handed me his gift and smiled at me. I shook my head playfully and unwrapped the gift, I looked at em then back at the pallett. It was the new fever dream pallett. "Thank you so much I love it" I gave him a hug and smiled happily "glad you do Scarlett" he said softly.

Rem's POV:

I grew very nervous, my plan was to marry Scarlett tonight yet I didn't know what to say. Me and em only planned this since we got back from tour. I chewed on my nails lightly and stared at the floor. Scarlett tapped my shoulder "you okay vampire?" she said quietly, trying not to draw attention. Em knew exactly what I was thinking about and he gave me a knowing look.

I looked back at Scarlett and smiled nodding, she smiled and handed me another gift. I opened it and pulled out a van's shoe box. I opened it and smiled happily. ""I love these baby bat" i exclaimed happily, she got me high top exorcist vans. I kissed her softly and smiled.

~time skip~

I got myself ready into some blue skinny jeans and a cure hoodie then pulled on my new vans.

After spending time together, seb was cooking christmas dinner for us. em sat down beside me and smiled at me "still nervous?" he whispered, taking a sip of his whisky. I nodded and sigh. "What if she says no?" I asked quietly. He shrugged. "If she says no... just wait for the right time, yes you guys might have dated for a full year now but whenever the time you and her feel is right you tell her then" he said rubbing my back. I nodded and laid my head on the table and groaned.

"Dinners ready" seb said happily and set the food on the table, i helped set the cutlery and cups. I sat down at the table and smiled at Scarlett "I love you" I said softly and kissed her cheek. "I love you more vampire" she said cutely and played with my hair.

Everyone all sat down and started eating, I started eating. I blocked out the talking, the laughing. Everything. I prepared what I was going to say to scarlett.

I knew I was ready to marry her, she was actually the only person who finally made me happy. And the only person I actually loved, she taught me what love ment and felt like.

Once everyone finished dinner I took all the dirty plates and washed them. Once the plates were finished I walked upstairs and grabbed the ring and put it in my pocket. "Baby bat, I have a couple more presents for you" I walked to her and cuddled her waist, then handed her the box gently. She sat down on the floor and opened it, she gasped and gently picked the kitten up and hugged it softly "remi i love them" she said cutely and petted the cat.

"What do you wanna name her?" I said softly, it took her a while to think and she smiled. "What about loki?" she said kindly and kissed loki's head. "Loki... I like it" i say with a smile. "I got loki pet food, a small bed and a collar" I said softly and set loki down and held her hand. "Can we go for a walk?" I said kindly, she nodded and walked outside with me.

The fresh air helped me calm down. As we walked along the beach hand in hand I admired the stars, it was peaceful.

As the dark sky washed over us I looked at Scarlett facing her, looking into her icy blue eyes. I took in a shaky breath, and looked at the sand then looked at scarlett.

"Wow" I let out a nervous laugh. "I really don't know how to say this." I mumbled and scratched the back of my neck then took the ring from my back pocket and held it. I kissed her cheek quickly and smiled softly. "It's been a full year since we dated and it's been a wonderful year of a rollercoaster ride for me and you, hell you changed me as a person everyone noticed that and i'm so grateful to have you in my life..." I licked my lips and let all the negative thoughts drain from my head.

All the memories of me and Scarlett played through my mind. I couldn't help but smile.

"What i'm saying is" i got down on one knee and opened the box showing her the ring. I slowly pulled it out the box and again looked into her eyes, not breaking eye contact.

"Scarlett, you have shown me what propper love feels like, what true love feels like. You showed me that i'm not just eye candy nor a ragdoll for girls to just use when they please"

There was a long pause after that.

"Scarlett, will you marry me?"

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