Chapter 1

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It's been over 6 years since Bellamy and his friends have stepped foot on the Earth's surface. Six years of agonizing boredom as they orbit the sphere from above in space, floating among the stars. What was once a green and blue planet filled with life was now irradiated and turned to orange and red hues of barren life. Had not been for the fuel problem Spacekru would have landed home long ago; however, they were trapped on the ring as they orbit in the dark, loneliness of space. Had it not been for the miracle of luck when a new ship traveled near the ring, they would have been trapped in space forever.

With the last bit of fuel left in the rocket, Spacekru starts the engine and flies through the openness of space for a chance to find more fuel. It took everything they had, with a bumpy flight along the way, before they were secure in an air lock aboard the other ship. As each member left the rocket and set foot on metal ground they know something was off. Not only was there a blaring alarm with a red light flickering above their heads, but not a soul was in sight. Each member of Spacekru takes off their suits and travels down a long narrow hallway and helps in finding the way to fuel. But in their path they cross a large yellow sign with both black letters. Something none of them would have expected to see.

"No Inmates past this point. What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Raven thinks aloud as the group stops as lights shine from above and lights the walls around them. 

"Nothing good." Jasper pipes up from behind, his hands covering his ears from the noise.

"Let's not stick around to find out. Monty, Raven, can you shut this alarm off?" Both look to Bellamy and give a curt nod. "Okay, we'll find the command center and get this shut down, Echo, Emori, and Murphy, you go and find out everything you can. Jasper see if you can find any weapons."

Everyone separated on Bellamy's order. The ship is large, much larger than the ring. After walking through multiple mazes of routes they the group of three find the room they were looking for. The command room was not only the center of tech but the Captain's room as well. It had several rows of computers and files splayed over a multitude of desks, with the alarm blaring from above. Monty and Raven quickly get to work on shutting the system down, and within a few minutes the loud alarm and red lights shut off.

Once off they could comb through the Eligius files and find where the fuel is located. Given the ships advanced systems it takes more time than either would like. But once they've found what they're looking for Bellamy turns to Echo on his left as she stands by the door. With a single look she leaves the room to find the others and grab what they came for. As she leaves Bellamy leans on the desk, his arms crossed over his chest, as he watches over his friends work on the computer systems. 

 As his hip hits the desk a clink noise catches his ear. There on the desk behind a photograph was a mug that had a little rocket and the words 'Best Dad in the Universe.' Odd, he thinks. But next to it is a picture of a little blonde girl in pigtails, smiling softly at the camera with an older man smiling behind her, his arms wrapped protectively and lovingly around her. It was soft and domestic, and not something you would think to find on a prisoner transport ship. Bellamy leans back against the table with the picture in hand. He turns it over in his hands then back to the photo, his brows furrowed. 

Raven turns to show him her screen when she notices his odd look and peers at the picture. "Cute kid." 

"But where's the dad? He's the captain I'm assuming." He say absentmindedly as he looks down at the cup. "Where is anyone for that matter?" 

"No idea." She responds as she shrugs. 

"If this ship is for prisoners why have a picture of your kid with you?" 

"Maybe he missed his kid? Thought he'd be gone for a while and wanted to remember her?"  

"No family photos? Just the kid?" Monty asks. Bellamy turns the photo towards his friend as he takes a few steps to get a better look. It wasn't juts the girl, but there wasn't any indication of another parent figure or family member besides the man.

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