Chapter 2

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Bellamy finds Griffin in the mess hall as she said she would be. She's standing by a small fridge as she grabs a water bottle and listening to music with a pair of headphone, the music blasting at full volume. Carefully he reaches out to tap her shoulder, attempting to grab her attention without being put on the ground again. But even with the loud music she must have sensed his presence because soon before his hand grazed her shoulder she tilts her head back and the headphones fall around her neck. When they do she turns around to meet his eye. 

"I'm sorry. About your dad." she raises a brow and rolls her eyes, taking her water and sits at a table. "We need to know about the people that are on the ground." in response she shrugs. 

"What's there to know? Their a bunch of criminals. Murders." 

"But you made a deal with one of them?" that hits a nerve. The blonde squeezes the bottle in her hand and crushes it, spilling over over half the water inside. "What was the deal you made?" 

"You know, you have some balls asking questions that don't concern you." Bellamy's brows raises to his  hair line as a surprised chuckle falls out of his lips.

 "I'm asking what I need to ask for my people. You made a deal with a criminal and he killed your father. Which, according to you, broke that deal. So maybe... If we understand why, then we know more of who we're dealing with." She makes a small noise as she looks up at the clock by the door, then to Bellamy. Se follows her gaze before looking back at her. "Got somewhere to be?" 

"You're cocky. What were you? A cop?" Bellamy smirks and taps his hand on the table between them.

 "I was apart of the Ark's guard actually." 

"Hm, so I was close." she takes another sip of her water before turning the lid and closing it off. she turns to face him, her arms crossed over her chest. Bellamy's eyes are drawn to the movement before looking away immediately. Clarke notices and snickers. "Not a lady's man after all, are you?"

 "What was the deal you made with McCreary? That's his name right?" Griffin raises a brow and tilts her head to the side. 

"The prisons are dying. Most of them anyway." She uncrosses her arms and leans on the table to the side. "I did what I could to figure it out, you know, being the doctor." Bellamy nods firmly, waiting for her to continue, "But some are worse off than others and I can't figure out why. This ship was designed for mining missions on meteors for a new fuel source, and instead of using scientist and law biding citizens, the government decided to use those most expendable- prisoners." 

Bellamy intakes a sharp breath as he sighs and looks away. Visions of his past coming tot he forefront of his mind. Years ago but what still felt like yesterday when the hundred came to the ground. Shooting the chancellor in order to get a seat on the dropship to save his sister. Every moment of hell that broke once they discovered the ground was not only survivable, but there were others inhabiting the surface. That part of his life seeming so far yet so close. Not scientists or hardworking citizens sent to test the livability of their home planet, but children and teens alike. 

Clarke takes notices in his distance and note his behavior. "Hit close to home?" His jaw ticks and he says. 

"The Ark did the same thing to a hundred underaged kids and teens to see of Earth was survivable or not. Sent prisoners instead of scientist and citizens." The woman makes a noise, surprising him, the closest thing to amusement he's ever heard from her.

"Wow. Some things never change." Bellamy shakes his head, knowing he couldn't have agreed more. Two different lifetimes, two different worlds, but the same political thinking that jeopardized hundred of lives for the gain of those in higher power. and says.

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