Chapter 6

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Bellamy and Clarke waste no time in attaching Octavia and Miller first to the harnesses and yank on the wire to give the signal for ascendance. It's a slow going process getting everyone onto the ground, each set to the ground above two at a time, But in a few short hours, everyone who was trapped underground and forced to survive in the bunker for 6 and 1/2 years finally set foot on the ground and breathe in fresh air. Clarke and Bellamy are the last to go up, I'm sure that everyone is safe and out of the bunker. Once the two are above ground Clarke makes her way to where Eligius was set up, Shaw in particular. If there was anyone she felt like being around was her friend, and there was far too many things the Blake siblings needed discuss without her around; however, their voices echo through the broken city as they argue.

"O I'm serious!"

"So am I!" 

Both parties between Eligius and Wonkru themselves look in the siblings direction as the arguing becomes louder. Even Shaw steps away from Clarke's side to get a better look at the source of noise, even though the blonde knew very well what the argument was about. What really happened in the bunker over the last several years.

Clarke tried to sway Bellamy into understanding that everyone has a past and certain memories should stay there. But she also began to understand why Bellamy was bringing the subject up again. Each and every member of Wonkru was cared, both physically and mentally. Most couldn't look you in the eye, others limped or dragged their feet just to be in the room. Others? were malnourished beyond belief. The state in which many of the people were in, including the evidence stained on the walls of the room showed that something went wrong. And if Clarke had learned anything about Bellamy Blake? Is he is just as stubborn as she is. If he was looking for answers then he was going to get as many as he could. But there was no telling whether it would be before or after his estranged relationship with his sister got worse. And for Clarke? She saw no reason to push each other apart so soon, not if they don't have to.

"Charming!" Clarke calls, leaving Shaw and making her way towards Bellamy. His gaze leaving his sister and looking for her. "Why don't we take a walk."


"I'm not taking no for an answer." 

The two stand off, Bellamy with his hands on his hips and an annoyed glare lingering in his eye from the argument with his sister while Clarke crosses her arms over her chest with the fire in her eyes not backing down. The small crowd that had gathered before was now turning away at the sound of Clarke's tone- most of Eligius that is. However Diyoza does the opposite, she walks towards them.

"It seems we have a problem here."

"No, no problem. Just... Siblings." Clarke says with the roll of her eyes. "Let's go."

Without waiting for his protest she takes Bellamy by the arm and walks in the opposite direction, staring clear of anyone from Eligius and Wonkru. Though those from the bunker were anxious already and stayed to themselves anyway.

Clarke doesn't have a destination in mind as they walk, but anywhere away from his sister and Eligius was good enough. If anyone understood the frustration Bellamy was feeling it was Clarke. She didn't have a sibling to argue with, not by blood that is; however,  Wells was her friend-her family- and the closest thing to a brother she had as a child. They had their fair share of arguments growing up, even more so when Clarke decided to take the opportunity to join the Eligius expedition. Well's didn't want Clarke to suffer anymore than she already had in her life, and being in the military would only add to her trauma. And it did.

Wells joined the military right out of high school, and not long after he saw war. Clarke helped him through his struggle when he was injured and put on leave for a year. She was there helping him heal both physically and mentally, as much as he would allow her in that was. But there were bits and pieces that Wells simply refuses to talk about, aspects of his past that were too raw and difficult to bring up again; which is why Clarke understands Octavia's unwillingness to talk. Everyone has something apart of them and their lives that they simply couldn't talk about once it was over. Clarke's relationship with Wells was forever changed when he returned and it was hard on both of them, it grew worse when Clarke confessed the truth about the Eligius offer. The first step in her training? Was joining the military and finishing boot-camp. 

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