He Likes Your Twin More: Zayn

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Zayn Malik: (13)

Today was the big day of you and your twins dance performance, and you were so excited to have your brother accompany your family.

Since you and your sister do different styles of dance, you two would be going at different times. Her going a bit earlier to the middle, and you going last.

You happily watched your family sit down in their seats, getting ready to watch the show.

After finishing your makeup and putting on your costume, you quickly walked over to the side of the stage to watch your sister's performance, a smile on your face the whole time.

The show went by quickly, and now it was your dance number. You walked onto the stage, and once you heard the music you starting dancing.

As you were in the middle of you routine, you looked in the crowd to see empty seats in which your family was suppose to be sat in.

You put it aside, while you finished your routine. Quickly you scrambled back on stage getting compliments on your routine. You said your thanks you rushing to the dressing room to get your phone.

You tried calling your mother but sadly she didn't pick up, same with your dad. You had called everyone in your family even your sister who was suppose to be here until the end of the show didn't answer her phone.

Walking around the auditorium, you asked everyone who walked past if they had seen your sister or your family. Sadly, no one knew where they had gone.

Suddenly your phone buzzed in your bag. You quickly dug it out, to reveal a text from your brother.

We went out to go celebrate Y/T/N's performance by going out to dinner. Sorry we missed yours, we will bring you leftovers if we can.

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