He Hates You: Niall Part Two

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Niall Horan: (14)

"This is why you're such a burden Y/N, this is why the whole family hates you" Niall yells at you.

You froze at the harsh words he just said, and looked at him with sad eyes.

"Well I wasn't aware of what a problem I've become" You sigh turning your head to glance back at the window.

"No wonder mom and dad kicked you out" Niall mumbles, focusing back on the road not carrying on the conversation.

The whole ride back to the flat was silent, and you tried so hard to keep the tears in. When you finally reached home, Niall told you to go straight to your room and not to come out until dinner time.

You sulked up to your room and softly shut the door before bursting out in loud sobs. You were completely broken and you didn't know what to do anymore. You threw your school bag across the room, making all the books and materials inside the bag fall out.

In an attempt to release all your anger you start to throw items that were close around you, all across the room. You broke numerous pieces of jewelry and perfume bottles making the scented liquid spill on the white carpet.

Niall heard things breaking around your room, and ran upstairs to see what was going on. When he opened the door, his eyes widened at the mess you created.

"Y/N stop! What are you doing" He yells, grabbing you and taking the item you were just about to throw out of your hand.

"What were you thinking Y/N? Look at your room, its a mess!" Niall says grabbing your wrists and holding you in front of him.

Your lip started to quiver and fresh new tears started to roll down your face. Niall immediately pulled you in his arms. You tried to get out of his hold, and finally succeeded and pushed him away from you.

"Y/N please.." Niall starts, before you interrupt him.

"No Niall, you can't do this all the time. I give up on this, no one likes me and everyone hates me I just don't know what to do anymore" You say, your knees giving out making you fall onto the floor.

Niall looked at you with wide eyes, and immediately regretted everything that he had previously said to his baby sister.

"Y/N I don't know what came over me, just you getting in such trouble made me so mad" He says slowly walking up to you.

"Princess I'm so sorry that I said all those rude things, and I would do anything to take them back" He continues, sitting beside you on the floor.

You let out a sob and Niall pulled you in his arms, cradling you in his chest.

"I love you so very much Y/N, you mean so much to me. You are so beautiful and amazing Y/N, don't let anything bring you down and stay strong for me okay?" He says, kissing the top of your forehead.

You nodded, nuzzling your head in the crook of his neck while he just held you there in his arms.

"You are so loved Y/N, never ever forget that" Niall says, pulling your head up and kissing your nose.

You smiled at him and brought him into another big hug.

"Thank you Niall, I love you" You whisper in his ear.

He smiled and tightened his arms around you, content with his baby sister finally in his arms after so long.

sorry for such a shit ending but i just really wanted to update for you guys. hope you enjoyed his one. again guys there will always be a part two to these, so please stop asking it's really irritating tbh. but oh my god i just noticed i'm at 30k reads, like that's just insane so thank you guys so much for everything you make me really happy haha :)))

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