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*Originally posted april 30, 2021.

Carina walked into a Grey Sloan bathroom shaking nervously. Her hands could barely take the small object out of the box. That moment could change her whole life and Maya's and it scared and excited her so intensely that she felt caught between wanting to give up and wanting to discover the truth straight away.

The right thing would be to wait until the next morning and go to the doctor with Maya as the schedule says, but she couldn't bear spending the rest of the day and night with the uncertainty. The italian knew she wouldn't sleep and she'll definitely wouldn't be able to hide her anxiety away from her girlfriend.

Maya and Carina would go to the doctor the next day to perform the tests and check if the insemination had worked, but Carina couldn't contain herself and decided to take the test without Maya even knowing there in the hospital. Whatever the answer, she wanted to be prepared.

Despite everything, she was afraid of being disappointed. "What If it didn't work this time", she thought feeling a chill down her spine. Only the thought of going through all of the medication, and the needles and all that painful process again was exhausting. She was exhausted. The nausea, the constant tiredness. But part of her felt optimistic. Something inside of her felt it had worked.

Carina put the test to react and waited for the time indicated on the package. Time seemed to be passing slowly. When time was up, she hesitated before looking at the result. The brunette thought about how difficult it had been to convince her girlfriend to go along with the idea of having a baby. Maya didn't feel prepared, she was afraid that her father's influence on her was still too big. There were many conversations about the subject and she never relented.

Carina didn't give up. One day she came home and the following dialogue took place while the two rested on the couch.

"Can you imagine how great would be to have a mini Maya running around here?", Carina said hesitantly as she felt her girlfriend's hands runing through her hair. She was always afraid this subject would end in an argument, but she brought it up anyway. She was not giving up.

"I rather imagine a little Carina. I can already feel the headaches she would give me. Just like her Mom", She ran her hand gently over the brunette's nose.

"What do you mean?", Carina said, surprised by the answer.

"She'll want to boss me around just like you."

"She WILL?" Carina said, startled by the blonde's choice of words. She sat on the couch facing the blonde. "You really want to...", the Italian couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Yes, Carina. I want to have a baby with you", she said grabbing Carina's cheeks in her hands and pulling her in for a kiss.

After Maya got on board with the idea, she did her best for Carina to feel comfortable throughout the entire process. The blonde was always so caring and worried and how excited she was with everything. She would be so disappointed if it didn't work.

Carina lowered her head, resting her hands on the sink taking deep breaths. She was looking for the courage to look at the test result. One more deep breath and she took the test in her hands taking another second to really look at it.

The Italian just leaned on the sink again breathing heavily. Her legs shaking like it couldn't support the weight of her body. Tears staring to fill her eyes.

"My baby", she said in a low voice almost to be sure that it was real. The ob/gyn hold the impulse to call the love of her life right in that moment to share with her the most exciting knews of their lives. Instead she decided to surprise Maya. To make it even more special for her

Carina was still in the bathroom trying to recover from all the crying when she felt her phone ringing on her pocket. Maya's name appeared on the screen bringing a smile to the italians face.

"Ciao, amore mio ", She was trying to disguise her tearful voice.

"Babe, are free already? Can you pick me up at the Station? You can come and hang in here while I finish my shift."

"I can not. I'm sorry, bambina . I have a patient in labor and it will take a few hours. I'll have to finish here. Can you get a ride with Andy or Travis?", Carina lied to get a little ahead of Maya at home.

"Okay, babe. I'll wait for you at home. Love you."

"I love you too", Carina hang already thinking how she would surprise Maya.

The firefighter arrived thinking
Carina would take a few hours to be home. What was her surprise when she opened the door to find the brunette already standing in their living room.

"Didn't you say you had a pacient in labor, babe?", she said confused while resting her backpack on the little bench next to the door.

"I have a surprise for you", Carina said taking the firefighter's hand and leading her towards their bedroom.

"Surprise? What is it?", the blonde said excitedly throwing her keys on the side table.

"There's a reason to call it a surprise, isn't ?", the doctor said making the other one laugh.

The two women entered the room. Carina stood close to the door, pointing to the box on the bed for Maya to follow.

"What are you up to, Carina?" Maya looked mischievously at the other, thinking it was some new sex toy that the she had bought to surprise her.

Maya approached the box on the bed and managed to read, "To Maya Bishop. Open immediately."

"Open up, Maya", Carina was anxious.

The firefighter untied the bow and took the lid off the box. She stood there for a moment staring at the contents with her mouth open, she turned to her lover with eyes wide with surprise. When she took the items inside of the box her eyes were already overflowing.
She removed the objects one by one: a pacifier, baby shoes, overalls and at the bottom of the box the positive test with a note: "I'm on my way to meet you, Mommy."

The firefighter felt her heart beating so hard like it would jump out of her chest any moment.

"But...we should know it tomorrow. How did you...?", She couldn't finish the sentence through her sobs. Maya just let herself fall sitting on the bed, still keeping the test and the note in hands. "Are you sure?"

Carina came towards her, eyes filled as well, and took Maya's hand placing it over her stomach.

"Yes, I'm sure. Your baby is here. We're 3", the brunette took the other's face so the firefighter could look at her with those big blue eyes filled with tears like a scared kid.

Maya just wrapped her arms around her waist, keeping her face pressed against her belly while Carina ran her hands through her hair.

"We're having a baby, Carina" She was scared. No, not scared. She was terrified.

"Yes, we are", Carina sat on the bed beside her girlfriend who was now playing with  little baby shoes between her fingers.

"What if... I'm not a good mother, Carina?", the blonde said, still scared with the surprise.

"You're going to be the best mom in the world. I know that" Carina took her girlfriend's icy hands and crossed they're fingers together.

The two just sat there making plans for the future. Thinking about how the baby would look like. The color of their eyes or their hair. And how the team would react when they shared the news. Their excitement was so big they couldn't take a smile from their faces.

Their lives would change completely from now on and even though this was scary, they felt so happy and full of joy. They just wanted to scream the immense joy to the world. Their family would be growing soon.


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