I choose you

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*This scene is supposed to happen right after Carina and Maya got home from their wedding.

After they got home that night, Maya sat up in bed and took a deep breath and dropped her shoulders while exhaling. It wasn't supposed to be that way. That was supposed to be the happiest day of her and Carina's lives. Both should be radiant.

The blonde was staring at the floor, lost in her sadness and disappointment, still wearing her wedding dress, when Carina came over and sat next to her. The brunette just remained silent for a moment.

"I need to confess something...", Carina said. Maya, however, remained with her eyes fixed on the floor as she bit her cheek.

"I didn't write my vows either," Carina confessed pressing her lips together.

"You didn't?", Maya turned to the woman and raised an eyebrow in surprise at that confession.

"Well... I've tried many times, but... you know me... I just couldn't put everything I wanted to say to you down on paper", the brunette explained. "But... I know exactly what it is... And I want to say them to you. Only to you", she took Maya's hands in hers as she climbed one of the legs on the bed to sit facing the woman.

The blonde stared at her silently.

"I...", Carina bit her lower lip and paused. "I remember the first time I saw you running inside Grey Sloan. You carried a nose in a plastic bag." The two stared at each other for a moment laughing at the story. That would never get old neither less funny. "Your long hair swung down your back as you ran towards the counter. You were so focused on delivering it that you didn't even look around", the brunette continued to speak, looking compassionately at her wife. "And...I was across the room, but it felt like you had a magnet that drew my eyes because I just couldn't look away from you."

Carina stopped talking for a moment to admire the smile Maya had on her face.

"Luckily, the universe made us meet on the same day in that bar. You had such a hard expression on your face but your eyes were so sad, but still... I felt I should insist for you have a drink with me. When I managed to get a smile from you that night I knew I was right to insist. I didn't give up on you that night and I wouldn't give up on you at all", she squeezed Maya's hands, who was now teary-eyed. "We've been through storms this year and whenever I felt like I was going to fall, I had your hand to hold mine. I had your voice to calm me down or to scream along with me. I've never felt so safe and so...loved the way I feel with you." The Italian took a deep breath to be able to continue even with the tears threatening to run down her cheeks. "You were Andrew's favorite...", Carina said, unable to contain her tears anymore. She missed her brother so mush and wished him and Maya had have more time together. "And he was right. He knew you're the one. We're the perfect match. You waking up at 4 am for a run and me trying to enjoy every minute of sleep. Me opening all the closet doors and you coming to shut them all silently because you gave up warning me," they both laughed through their tears. "We balance each other, support each other and lift each other up every day. This is so much more than just wanting to kiss someone. It's a love that goes beyond. I love you and I think despite all that mess, this is the happiest day of my life... because it's your hand I'm holding, it's your face I'm looking at now. And I'm sure I want to do this for the rest of my life, my bambina", Carina said and took the hand to her wife's face now red and bathed in tears.

And even though their first night of marriage hadn't gone as expected, each day of living with Maya, Carina felt like she made the right decision when she decided to stay in Seattle. When she run up to Maya and begged her "Marry me, bambina." She knew she had made the right decision when she woke up next to the blonde and their eyes met in the shy light of the mornings. She knew she was in the right place when she was greeted by that comforting hug at the end of a tiring shift or when a message saying "I love you" popped in her phone in the middle of the day bringing a smile to her face. When the blonde stopped by to see her at Grey Sloan just so the two of them could have a little time together cause they just couldn't bare to be that long apart. She was happy to meet the real Maya Bishop. Not the tough firefighter, but her sensitive, loving bambina.

Maya was happy with Carina. Happier than I ever thought possible. She was grateful to have met her totally coincidentally at Joe's bar one night when she was down. She had made him smile that day and had been doing it every day.

The blonde loved it when her wife came to spend her day off at the Station when they had non-concurrent days off. She loved seeing her interacting with her friends so closely with them as if she had always been part of the team. She even loved having to stand on tiptoe to kiss him when the Italian was wearing heels. Her days were better when she woke up and, like a child, she would walk to the kitchen grabbing her wife from behind as she buried her nose in her hair, breathing in their delicate scent. The brunette soon smiled saying in a soft voice "goodday, baby. Did you sleep well?" And she continued to prepare breakfast having to do some juggling to finish cooking while being hugged by the firefighter.

AN: This is actually a chapter from another one of my fics but I'll like to share with you. Hope you like.

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