Chapter Eight

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Ranboo was finally 14 years old. He was the oldest, Tubbo being a month and a half younger then him, and Tommy another four after Tubbo, maybe it was 3 and a half. And today they were finally going to learn how to fight. 

"Come on Ranboo, come on come on come on!" Tommy groaned, trying to pull the, now taller, along the path to the designated training ground where Dream and Techno were going to be training them in fighting. They had already spent a year learning medical knowledge stuff with Philza and George, and the year before that they were practically college students because of Technoblade and Wilbur.

"I'm coming, but we promised Tubbo and Wilbur we would walk with them!" Ranboo responded, leaning back slightly so that Tommy couldn't move him. The groan that followed caused him to laugh slightly as the two mentioned walked up to them.

"Are we ready to go?" Wilbur asked, Tubbo leaned against Ranboo slightly as Tommy exclaimed in excitement. 

"I'm guessing that's a yes." He chuckled as Tommy managed to get Ranboo, and now Tubbo too, to move. It was an inch but to Tommy that was progress.

"Alright, alright. Let's now." Wilbur decided, knowing his brother and how him and Dream were excited to train the group of three, that they should get going before the two got impatient.

"Finally!" Tommy exclaimed, excitement clear on his face as Ranboo had Tubbo on his back now and was beginning to let Tommy lead him towards the spot that was chosen. Wilbur following along behind the trio.

He had felt something bad was going to happen today, but Techno and Dream both claimed nothing would get out of hand. Wilbur didn't think it was with training though.

"Come on Wilbur! We'll race ya!" Tommy exclaimed, grabbing Ranboo's and better and taking off running, Ranboo right behind him with Tubbo dozing off on his back. The fear of something bad happening intensified drastically.

Taking off running after the trio, and not to later his fears were confirmed. A yelp of fear sounded through the silent woods as Tommy was grabbed from behind, Ranboo and Tubbo, who was now wide awake, trying to fight off people surrounding them.

"WILBUR! WILBUR HELP!" Tommy screeched out as two more people latched onto him, trying to keep him down long enough to drug him into unconsciousness.

"Get your hands off of them!" Wilbur yelled, running into the mess with a pocket knife that he never left home without. The men trying to kidnap the trio turned and glared at Wilbur as he rushed into the one sided fight.

"You tell the three who took them from us that they will never see them again." One of the guys growled out. Wilbur disagreed and swiped with his knife, managing to cut a few in seriously fatal spots before the kidnappers made off with two of the three kids. Them having left Ranboo behind because he kept teleporting out of reach, and sadly away from his brothers.

"Wil-wilbur?" Ranboo asked quietly. Wilbur knew immediately what had happened, wrapping his arms around the shaking teen as he began crying.

"It's going to be okay. We'll get them back. We will. I promise." Wilbur murmured. Ranboo nodded as Wilbur made sure that Ranboo couldn't get taken from him but grabbing his arm and holding him protectively as they walked. "We will get them back. That's what families do." Wilbur reassured, whether it was himself or Ranboo, neither knew.

"Hey? Woah! What happened and where is Tommy and Tubbo?" Techno asked as he saw the two come into view, them having walked in silence for 10 minutes. Ranboo broke into more tears as Wilbur himself fought off his own.

"What happened." Dream demanded instantly, Sapnap rushing over to stop Ranboo's tears, obviously pissed that something caused Ranboo to cry.

"We were attacked." Ranboo whimpered out, Wilbur rubbing his back protectively, comfortingly as Ranboo tried to explain what happened.

"The three wanted to race, so they took off running, racing me that is, and I ran after them. Tommy screeched and when I got there, three people were holding Tommy down, trying to subdue him as another six tried to grab Ranboo and Tubbo. I-I tried to fight them off, but I'm not a fighter and they managed to get Ranboo separated from Tu-Tubbo and they took Tommy and Tubbo and ran off since Ranboo wasn't detainable or something. I fought a couple off though! I'm sorry!" Wilbur broke into tears at seeing the fear in Tommy and Tubbo's eyes as they were knocked out, Ranboo's cry for them and just simply holding him before they made it to the rest of the group in case they were jumped again. 

"We'll get them back. Wil, it's not your fault. Ranboo, it's not your fault. It's only the people who took them's fault." Dream assured, but everyone could see his fear, sense his anger at the people who took Tommy and Tubbo, and the self doubt as he realized it could have been avoided. 

"We'll get them back." Sapnap confirmed, already hatching a plan in his head of how they could do that. Thinking back into what the trio had ever told him about where they had been running away from. The fear they always held when speaking of the place scaring the Dream Team from asking about it often. Only when they had a nightmare about it. 

"Could it be the people from when you were younger?" George asked, his thoughts following along to Sapnap's as Dream and Techno picked up what they had set out for training. It was canceled as of that day in favor of planning and finding Tommy and Tubbo.

But Ranboo was way ahead of the group. He saw the way the group took off running. It wasn't because Ranboo wasn't catchable. It was because they knew how to draw him out. He knew what they were doing, knew that it was working. But he also knew Tommy and Tubbo. 

"I-it might be. I didn't really notice. I'm sorry." Ranboo murmured, looking down as more tears filled his eyes, it wasn't hard to trick any of them that he actually didn't remember much of what happened from the shear panic that caused him to teleport, what could have been, 90 times in the 15 minute fight.

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