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You know how most sicknesses have a cure? Or a medicine that'll lessen the pain? And there are definitely some sicknesses that don't even have a cure to it. And sometimes, the cure to the sickness isn't a what, but a who.

Could we have stayed here forever if our feelings were true?

Both of their thoughts were cloudy, but nothing was stopping them with the kiss they had longed for from each other in the rain.

Jayce broke off the kiss once she knew that getting farther and deeper into the relationship would have been a dangerous circumstance for her. In her mind, he was nothing but a potential murderer.

"You're right, it's cold," she commented, keeping herself away from a topic Ashton would've discussed.

"I feel a little warmer now," he had a smile on his face, but his hands were already in his pockets.

Jayce awkwardly smiled, "It's nearly exams, I better start cramping stuff up," she directed herself for the door when he spoke again.

"Is this a way to escape because you felt rather uneasy about kissing your rival? It isn't really the first time, president," he gave a sly grin on his wet face as the water started to blur her vision.

She scoffed, "It's also not your first time but your face seems like a tomato,"

"You too, y'know," he raised a brow.

She clenched her jaw in return, Ashton Walker, are you really a bad person? Part of me tells me something else. What have I lured you into? What the hell have I plotted ahead against you?

"I don't understand where this conversation is going," she flustered.

"Neither do I," he replied.

I'm only using her and putting her in danger. Get to your right mind, you darn stupid boy. Ashton had thought about it everyday, but actions spoke louder than words.

"Well then, spare some time tomorrow for your dear vice president here," Ashton stepped up to her, tucking a few strands of hair that were wet against her face, "I have something for you,"

With that, he walked away, a grin upon his face and his hands in his pockets, as the rainwater dripped from his soaking clothes and scarf.

"You still haven't told me about where you went today,"

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out," he clicked his tongue, then pursed his lips before continuing, "This is probably not a good time, but is there any update about Eric's case?"

Jayce raised a brow, confused if he was asking about the investigation to have a heads-up for Eric's good, or for his own good.

"Not that I know of," she replied, then gave a sigh, "I know it's hard, but I don't know in detail what every single piece of pain you're feeling right now, but I do know that sooner or later we'll find the killer,"

"What makes you so positive? You're not an optimist in my opinion," he furrowed.

Jayce put her hands in her pockets and went through the doorway, "As far as I'm concerned, this is the biggest case Syville has had in years, or even decades. And my father, and Sanchez, and the police department is investigating with all their best,"

"Well then, let's see how amazing this Detective Dave Brooks is," he gave a thin smile before turning away and walking upstairs.

Jayce's face frowned in confusion, and annoyance. Her thoughts about to murder someone, So, you're dating me because my dad's a police officer? So you get a little entryway to the case. Ashton Walker, are you doing it because you have a private investigation, or so that you can fool the investigation itself?

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