Chapter 4

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I woke up this morning and all I could think of is the party maybe Lizzy and I should go it's going to be our first party and at least it's at Justin's place a guy we both know, why not. I grabbed my phone from my bed side table and texted Lizzy.
- want to go to a party?
I asked I already new she was definitely going to agree, she's just that kind of girl.
A second later I got a text back from her saying she was totally up for it, she said she would come to my place, and we would get ready and leave.
A moment later my phone buzzed again, it was Hunter.
- I'll pick you up at 7:00 ;)
The text said. I thought about it and started to wonder how he knew about us going.
- do I have a choice?
I replied teasing him a bit. We where going anyways, at least now he could take us there. He didn't answer back so I guess I really didn't have a choice.

The day passed by quickly, and it was now 7:00. Me and Lizzy where all dressed up and walked downstairs right at the moment where the door bell rang. I quickly descent the stairs and answered the door. There I saw Hunter dressed up as hot as ever, oh my god what has gotten into my head. He wore a grey v-neck t-shirt and black jeans with a leather coat.
"Let me know when your done checking me out" he said with a grin on his face.
I started to blush immediately and looked down at the floor. A small chuckle left his mouth. "You ready to go" he asked ready to head out. I hummed in response and we left.

Apparently Justin did not live so close to us and we walked forever it was quite cold outside, and that made me wish I had a thicker jacket. I guess it wasn't only me who was cold because I heard my best friend shiver beside me.

We finally made it to Justin's place and I could hear the loud music vibrating from a block away. We came inside and suddenly the sent of alcohol reeked and was super strong. "Lady's have fun at your first party" Hunter said escorting us to the dance floor.
Lizzy was totally into it and having a blast clearly she was drinking but not that much. She told me to loosen up a bit and have a drink, so I did. Soon enough I was completely drunk and having the time of my life dancing with Lizzy and Hunter, I happened to notice that Hunter didn't have one drink at all I guess that was because he had to bring us home.

Lizzy started walking over to some guy, I guess that he was mike, and I felt happy for her. Hunter said that he was just going to go and talk to his friends and let them know he came, so I was standing there alone on the dance floor. A drunken guy came over to me and I didn't recognize him he asked if we could dance and I shrugged to say why not. He started to get really close and put his hands on my hips, I asked for him to let go but he just ignored me and held me tighter.

The room started to spin and I suddenly didn't feel good. "Let go, please" I said in frustration trying to get out of his hold but I got no where. I began to feel more and more sick. A moment later Hunter came back. "Get of of her, dude" he said looking angry."Why should I " the drunk guy said smirking with his voice deep."Because I asked politely" Hunter said loosing his patience. He grabbed the guy by his shoulder spun him around and punched him right in the face. Blood started gushing out of the guys nose and he went down with one punch, but Hunter continued, he punched him again and again over and over."Hunter stop"! I yelled so that he could hear me over the music. He was about to give him one last punch but then he let him go.

I stood there shocked and Hunter grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the crowded area."Where are we going" I asked him feeling sad we had to leave early."You're going home" he said sounding mad."How 'bout Lizzy" I said confused "And my dad he's going to be mad" I said. "She's right" Lizzy said joining the conversation, she continued "Il be fine Mike, is going to take me home, and you should bring her to your place" Liz said reassuringly to me and Hunter.

A moment later I barfed on Hunters shirt and jacket and fell to my knees. "Sorry" I said to Hunter with a sad puppy dog look on my face. He said it was okay and he took off his shirt. He picked me up and started to walk out the door.

So this is how the night ended Hunter lifting me up in his arms shirtless walking to his house. That's all I remember since I blacked out a second later.

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