Chapter 13

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It's been a couple hours and I haven't said a word to Hunter Lizzy texted me about an hour ago saying that she couldn't meet up with me after school and I couldn't send her a text to get me out, since there's no good service in here. My phone died a couple minutes ago and I'm still siting here on the floor with Hunter pacing back and forth in front of me.

His footsteps become louder and the only sound I hear, over and over. I'm starting to really get pissed off can't he call someone to get us out or something I'm starting to think we'll be in here all night and I honestly cannot survive that.
"Ugh, can you stop!" I yelled at him snapping my head in his direction. "Hmm, and now you decide to talk to me" he stopped walking, but took a couple steps towards me. I stand up and take a step towards him, "what's your problem Hunter, you brought me in here why exactly?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest and his hand started to rub the back of his neck. "You know what Tessa, all I wanted was to be friends with you maybe more but now.." He said this and the darkness in the room covered up his expression, I'm beginning to become confused I don't know what he's trying to tell me. "What are you saying Hunter, you have a girlfriend and I think it's best that we should just forget about one another" I said calmly trying to resolve this once and for all, but do I really want to end what I have with Hunter or what I used to have. "God damnit Tessa, that's the point I can't stop thinking about you!" He yelled making me jump a bit.

He took a step forward and I unfold my hands he takes my chin into his hands and brings his lips to mine. My hands go up to his hair and our lips start to move in unison both this hands move down onto my waste then to the curve of my butt, his hands go down lower and lift me from the back of my thighs. I cross my legs around his waste and he steps forward to were to door was and presses me against the wall. The kiss depends and it stops being a tease his tongue skims my lip and I open my mouth in approval, he tightens his grip on my ass and our tongues start to battle. He kisses my neck softly to were my collar bone rises quickly, he sucks on it gently and a groan escapes my mouth. He goes back to my lips and kiss me gently until I pull off of him I step down and push him away.

My lips feel hot and swollen, and my head feels dizzy. "What's wrong?" He asks a bit confused, but still trying to catch his breath like I am. "What's wrong!" I exclaim feeling all of my anger attempt to explode onto him. "Seriously!? You have a girlfriend and she's actually a really good person I can't believe that you would so easily do this to her." " I honestly can't believe that I'm doing this to her right now, Hunter you need to get your shit together and I don't think I can be apart of whatever is going on with you" I say almost too quickly but I can see he caught on to every word. "But Tessa, I..." He seems like he is lost of words as he try's to find something to say. "I can't do this Hunter I'm sorry" I say as sympathetically as I can.

I turn around towards the door and see what I can do about the lock I honestly can't stay in here anymore not like this, not vulnerable to him, he has something over me and I can't stand to be next to him feeling like I'm not strong anymore. I give the door knob one hard twist and it falls off the door flows open and I look back at him with his head low I turn and walk out of the room. His head snaps up and he runs after me. He catches on and stops me. "Get out of my way Hunter." I say softly having no more power to be angry. "No I won't, your the one I want I can break up with Megan you mean so much more to me" my heart rate quickens no one has ever said that to me before. "Hunter you can't break up with her, not for me" a tear slips down my face and his hand rises to wipe it off, but it never reaches my face. I run off into the girls bathroom and my tears pour out from my eyes uncontrollably and I can't stop them.

Someone runs into the bathroom and my eyes are to blurry to see, my legs become too weak to hold myself up and I crash onto the floor but before I reach it large arms catch me and bring me in, his warm chest calms me as it completely surrounds me and covers me up. I feel safe, to cry and embrace these arms, this chest, this man. I look up into chocolate brown worried eyes and I let everything out. I continue to cry, but in his arms on his shoulder, I love him.

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