•17: Complicated Species•

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Hey! This came later than normal but its here!🌚
Oh and Happy new year everyone🥂
Also, I just realized I never gave my wattpad bestie a shoutout so, this chapter is dedicated to AddictiveRose . How ya always dodging shoutouts you'll tell me🤧❤. Sha sha


Rolake Coker

"Morning mom" I say, walking into her gold themed room that was not too extravagant but at the same time elegant. She was at her dressing table putting on some facial scrub or something.

I yawned, scratched my itchy butt cheeks and collapsed on her bed. I have no shame...in my house at least.

"Morning baby. How was your night?" She asked me, still rubbing on her face.

"Same old, same old" I replied and shrugged, admiring the gold chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

"That's nice. Any plans for today?" She asked me.

"Not that I can remember" I said and shrugged. Seriously, I'm still booting so I don't know.

"So another boring Saturday in the house?" She asked me and I just shrugged again from my lying position.

"I guess so" I said and shrugged...again.

And then it hit me.

"Shoot!" I sprang up from my lying position almost immediately. I apparently left my mother in shock.

"Why'd you shout like that? Do you want to give me heart attack and kill me before my time?" She rambled but honestly, I wasn't paying attention to her.

"Ooooooo ooooooo whyyyyyyy??!!!!" I whined and started violently shaking my arms and I just calmed back down in defeat.

All the while, my mom was looking at me with her eyebrows raised.

"Care to explain the reason for the mini tantrum that almost cost me my life?" She asked me. Now she's just being dramatic.

"I forgot I'm going to Galaxy mall today with Adekunle" I whined like a baby.

"So in summary, you forgot you have a date today" my mom concluded for me.

"Mooooommmmmyyyyyy!!!" I whined again. I'm her baby so I have all the right to.

"Don't worry you have my permission to go" she said, waving her hands as she stood up. I slit my eyes narrowly at her green coloured face.

"Instead of you to help me come up with a plan to bail on him so I can stay at home and Netflix and chill" I said sassily and folded my arms.

"No daughter of mine will be a couch potato" she said, putting her hands on one of her hips.

"But I'm your only daughter" I say, then roll my eyes.

"Exactly" she concludes. "Sha keep your location on in case of incassity" she finishes up as she walks into her bathroom in her robe. And yes, incassity is a word in her vocabulary.

"Now I wish dad didn't travel. At least he wouldn't let me go" I grumbled, folded my arms and leaned on the frame of her bathroom door.

"Yh sure" she scoffed mockingly at me.

Honestly, I find going out stressful. The fact that I have to look for an outfit which takes me hours to do, have to doll up myself when I can just stay in my pjs and bonnet all day, and the fact that there would be a lot of physical movement when I can just glue myself to screens isn't really appealing to me. I'm starting to wonder why i agreed in the first place. Ughhhh.

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