Awakening for Castle [Dream 1]

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I woke up in a bed, tucked in and comfortable than ever. Wounds were covered and treated, I felt so, different. Tired yes, but odd, odd like in a good way tho. I was in Matt's house, spacious and nice looking for a blind man.
"Frank, where in the hell did you pick this girl up?!" Karen whispers loudly outside of his door.
"She was in Michigan, she was getting harrassed by CPS, I'm not gonna let the government services treat her like shit, do you know what it's probably like to be thrown around on a hot surface, possibly even deported?!" He replies whispering.
"So you stole her from CPS, and they were trying to deport her? What is she, a immigrant?! DID YOU STEAL HER?!" she gasps.
"What?! No no! CPS threw her in the van thinking it was theirs, and I drove off cause they were  dangerous and wanted to torture her" he says in a worried voice.
Karen looks, putting a hand on her head. Frank looked at her.
"You have a soft spot for kids, don't you, you're not that lunatic that just kills kids"
"Hell no, I couldn't experience a family of my own much, so why would I want to kill kids. Only if it was needed" he whispers, making a pouting angry face.
She puts a hand on his shoulder giving him a kiss on his wounded cheek. He smiles, knocking on Matt's door. He tiredly gets up, opening the door.
"Heya Red" he smiles, kissing his cheek.
He blushed, knowing Karen was watching behind Frank.
"How's the kid, is she responding"
"Stable, sleeping, I cleaned her wounds from last night. She's kinda heavy" he giggles.
"Seems like a you problem, did I hear something?" Frank pretended to not listen to Matt.
He frowned, making a disappointed face. Frank chuckles, nudging him on his shoulder. They get inside, immediately drinking beer at 9.a.m.
"Her heartbeats goes on and off sometimes, irregular, as well as her breathing, it's heavy and tight as if she had asthma" Matt says, leaning his arms against the countertop.
"Actually yeah, she does, I looked her records up and researched her backstory"
"What's it say" Frank clears his throat.
"Selena Santiago, 3-22-90, daughter of deceased father, Trey Santiago and Cassandra Perkins. Divorced and in prison for prostitution. Medical history of asthma and mental disorders as well as autism, borderline Aspergers"
"What kind of mental disorders?"Matt asks.
"Well it's more like psychological, it's... schizophrenia"
"Jesus Christ"
"Aye" Matt pouts.
"Sorry" Frank chuckles.
"Well at least we know so it's not like, surprising at first sight" Frank says.
"Lies, those are all lies, that's my sister, my dead twin sister, but the asperger's thing y-yeah" I tic, jolting my head.
I stand there, listening to voices outside, my superhuman senses controlled me more than myself sometimes.
"I wanna thank you for taking care of me, both of you" I say lending a hand out to Frank and Matt to shake.
Frank gives me a strong handshake, military style, meanwhile Matt's was less stronger, more delicate and didn't hurt my hand. LMAO.
"Great, glad to know you didnt steal her" she says with a chuckle.
Frank rolls his eyes, grabbing another beer out of the fridge.
"You're pretty for your age Selena, most kids are dressed up nowadays, with makeup and shit" Frank says in a annoyed tone.
"Thanks, I like to stay natural, people suck sometimes" I laugh.

I finally finish my Dr Pepper after a day and a half, burping loudly, accidentally. I ticced every now and then.
"My fault, that wasn't nice" I apologized.
Frank giggled, bringing Matt closer to him. I zoned out, listening to voices everywhere, making it impossible for me to think.
Fucking retard! You sicko! Little black bitch!
Then the memories stopped, I heard a man, with a cane like Matt's. Everything went silent, and that's when I knew something was up.
"Selena? You okay" Matt asks.
"EVERYONE DUCK!" I say in a protective tone.
"Hey, it's alright kid, no one's here" Frank walks to me.
BOOM. Sirens, windows shattered, destruction. Bodies laying everywhere, pain. I looked around, thinking they were dead, almost blinded by shards of glass near my eyes. I went to Matt, knowing Frank would get up sooner or later. He groaned, in pain, going almost deaf by how loud everything was. My ears ringed, my senses amplifying. I had no time to waste, I try to find a safe place to go to, police surrounded everywhere. I help Matt and Karen up, using all the strength I could. Fires everywhere, freaking me the fuck out, but I had to save lives, not just myself. I ticced, gasping in shock by how loud everything was.
"HANDS ON YOUR HEAD!" A officer shouts at me.
I couldn't let go of them, who knew what they would've done.
"LET THEM GO, AND PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK YOU BLACK SON OF A BITCH" he shouts again, threatening me with a gun. Of course it was a white officer, of course there was race involved.
"MURDOCK! YOU OKAY?!" another officer says to him.
Matt nodded, wounded by a pillar of wood hitting his side. All of a sudden I felt a jolt, triggering me to have a seizure. Tasering. I seized horribly by the shock of both the taser and my body reacting to the shock, making it twice as painful. Frank instantly got up off the ground, grabbing the officer by the neck.
"YOU SON OF A BITCHES! SHE HAS A SEIZING CONDITION! LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE" he yells, tears builfing up. The officer tased him, it didn't affect him much. He looked at me, almost in tears at this point.  After about ten minutes, I got up, seeing Matt and Frank on the ground, these weren't real cops. They didn't even have badges, they were fakes! I got up, looking at Frank and Matt, imdecisively looking back and forth.
"GO KID, DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME, RUN!" Frank shouts, spitting blood. I ran, ran as fast as I could without losing breathe. Doing parkour moves, running on top of a buildings trying to find a place to stay where I wouldn't or couldn't be seen.  I sit by a emergency roof top exit, catching my breath as best as I could before running again. I didn't look at my surroundings, or even think to use my senses, and felt a man grab me tightly. I screamed, stammering and kicking my legs, it wasn't my time to be weak but I couldn't, it was so sudden and harder to get out of than usual. Who ever this person was, knew what they were doing. I stabbed him with my lucky pocket knife, having an intense fight with my blurred vision. This was the time to shine, where Matt would be proud of me. I managed to stab the man, and fled the scene hearing sirens go off.
"SELENA! SELENA!" Frank yelled to catch her attention from the ground.
I looked to see if there was police, nothing, just silence and rats on top of a building.
Frank picked Karen up in one arm and Matt in another. A police officer came by looking at Karen and Matt. "Frank, what happened"
"Get them to safety, treat them, I trust you, Ty" he says giving them to the officer.
Frank ran to find me, police trying to catch me on the roof tops. I double jumped some, just by luck, making the cops not being able to get over.
"Let me get her, please, don't take her, she's innocent" Frank says to a officer.
The officer approves, Frank going up a emergency exit to catch me.
"KID! I KNOW YOU'RE SCARED BUT COME ON!" he yells to catch my attention. I pause, catching my breath and looking at Frank from 2 buildings down. I walk back, listening to my surroundings, nothing til BOOM another man attacks me, stabbing me by my side, making me cry out.
"SELENA!!" He yells, running as fast he could to catch me and that man. He didn't have a gun this time, he didn't load one up. Lesson learned.
"DADDY! HELP!" I cried, kicking and flailing in a painful crying voice.
"SELENA!" he says running up faster.
Then there was silence.. nothing, not even a pitch, gone with the wind, I fell down with that man.
"FRANK! SHE'S COMING!"  Matt yells loudly below, sensing where my body was. He was ambushed, and hit, another man taking me into a car, stabbing me by my side.
Frank looks around, losing my sight. Yelling in frustration, the exact the same thing when he lost his wife and kids. He cried, remembering the same things that happened, Matt climbed up to the roof top where Frank was, hugging him closely. Matt used his senses to see if he could hear a voice nearby of the man who took me.
"Bring her to 35th street, be armed and ready at all times, make sure no one comes in and no one comes out til we get answers"
"35th street, armed men, nothing else" Matt says to Frank.  He smirked, chuckling lowly to himself, grabbing my bloody knife I left behind.
"Let's find go find those motherfuckers" he says smirking in a evil way. Matt smirked as well, being on his side, after months of no interaction.

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