The Cursing End of a Dream [Dream 3-4]

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I was in Matt's bed, this time I was in his clothes.. what the hell is going on? The date changed, I felt different, my hair was longer, my body felt more thicker, I have no idea what's going on. I worried, what if it was something I did? Something I said? Oh god, all this worrying made me nauseous, anxious actually. But was it the anxiety? I didn't feel like it, when I felt anxious, I felt heat, this wasn't heat, this was cold sweat. I felt panicky, almost like I couldn't breathe, I panted, looking around frantically. It was honestly something I felt, but never controlled.
"Baby? Selena? Are you okay?" Matt asked, sitting up, and putting a hand on my back.
I couldn't focus, I felt so tired, but panicky, and anxious. I wanted it to go, but nothing I thought of was working.
"Selena?" He asked again, this time I couldn't hold my nausea in, I ran to the bathroom, throwing up.
He got up, sitting next to me in the bathroom, rubbing my back.
"Frank. FRANK!" he called in the other room. Frank rushed in, raising a brow.
"What's going on? Is she sick?" He asked, sitting next to the room since the bathroom was small.
Typical New York, expensive rent, little space.
"I don't know, she woke up panting and sweating, her body felt warm" he states, as I finally catched my breath, flushing the toilet.
"Selena? Selena, baby, are you alright" he asks, giving me a glass of water.
I gulp it down, feeling less sicker than before. Ah, nope, gotcha bitch. I put my head down, throwing up once again.
"You don't think it's morning sickness..could it?" Matt asks.
Frank's eyes widened, gulping.
"I don't know, how long ago did we do it?"
"About 2 days ago, couldn't it be? Too soon maybe?" He asks, scratching his neck.
"I mean, I guess not" He gulps, putting his hands on his head, he was nervous about me, not about me being pregnant.
"Frank, Frank! Calm down, it's probably just a cold" Matt says, hugging him.
"A COLD IN AUGUST??" He panicked.
Matt tried not to laugh, as Frank was honestly a mess. I didn't know what to do or what was happening, cause time passed so fast that I didn't even do anything.
"Matty.. Frankie.." I croak, laying next to the toilet, laying my head on the tub.
Frank rushes in, picking me up onto the bed, putting a cold rag on my head.
"I don't know what's happening, something's terribly wrong" I look up at them both, closing my eyes.
"Shhh, it's okay, you're gonna be okay" he says rubbing my hand, kissing it.
"No, no, something's really wrong" I say again, this time sitting up and looking at them both.
"What do you mean?" Matt asks.
"Something's wrong with me, everyday, for me, a year passes by, I don't know how or why but it just goes by, and I don't even notice it"
Frank looks at Matt, them both laughing hysterically. I frown, it was true, I had no idea.
"I'm serious! Something's really happening because I was with Frank at the docks yesterday and I woke up in the bed, in Matt's clothes!" They look at me, confused.
"Baby, I think you're just loopy and sick" he states, pushing me back down gently.
"I'm not kidding, it's freaking me out, and I can't even live without seeing it" I tear up, looking st them.
"Baby, I promise, I think you're just tired" he says rubbing my cheek.
"That's why I said I was 14, because I was before this started happening and out of nowhere I became 21 and am probably pregnant" a tesr drops from my eye.
Matt's eyes furrow, looking at Frank. He blinks, hugging me close. A woman comes in, smirking.
"That's right, it only took you a week" she says, chuckling.
"Who are you?" Frank asks.
I look up, to see my mother, the witch bitch. LMAO- Cassandra Santiago. My eyes widen, hiding behind Frank and Matt on the edge of the bed.
"The one and only Miss Cassandra Santiago" she chuckles, looking at them with her glowing blue eyes.
"Mommy, why did you do this" I ask, nervously looking at her.
"Don't play dumb, you know exactly why fool, you killed your father, all because you knew I was "dead" she smirks.
"I killed him because he hurt me, and you saw and heard it happen! And you didn't bother to help!" I state, getting weaker by her presence.
"Oh shut up child, you don't understand anything anymore, you're as stupid as you're father. You got caught, and you know it" she smirks, levitating closer to me.
I close my eyes, in fear as she grabs me by my throat. I was now in her control, Frank and Matt thrown against the wall, almost unconscious.
"Mommy please, please don't hurt me and your grandchild, please"
"Grandchild?" She asks, standing now, without her eyes glowing.
I nod, looking at her with shaky breath. She looks at me in awe, eyes turning watery.
"I put the curse on you, not your sister.. son of a bitch, I'm so sorry" she says, hugging me close.
I stood there, hugging back lightly. Me and my sister were twins, we were identical, of course it was gonna be a mistake.
"What curse?" I ask, looking at her.
"This one" She smirks, stabbing me with her katana.

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