Selena Castiligone [Dream 3]

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I woke up strapped in a chair, hair chopped like Frank's and bloody. You would've thought they'd strip you down to make sure you didn't have any weapons but nah, they kept everything on. Frank was next to me about 10 feet away, it smelt horrible, it was so warm and hot in there, and dark. My wounds were showing, and I was just laying there out and open, just itching for an infection sooner or later. I look around to see what the hell was going on, all I saw was a pair of clippers, a stapler, drill, and something else that looked oddly familiar to a mechanic eye. I aspired to be a mechanic. Frank looked around, seeing me and sighing sadly.
"Well well, look who's awake" my brother said, smirking.
"DAVID?" I yelled, looking up at him.
"Yeah so, what's your problem" he smirks, getting close to me, and grabbing me by my chin.
"Don't touch her, brother or not, you touch her again or I'll gouge your eyes out!" Frank threatens.
"And what are you gonna do about it, kill me? Look around you, there's no way out dumbass" he smirks, punching him in the face.
"DAVID! NO! What do you want, don't hurt him, just tell me what you want and I'll do it, do anything for you"
"Tell me where Adrianna is, and I'll let you go"
"David you know that I don't know that, she's dead somewhere I was buried alive almost killed!" He goes to me, using brass knuckle, punching me and cutting me.
"HEY! THE KID DOESN'T KNOW!" Frank yells, trying to unwravel the rope behind his back.
The other man stood behind my brother, Zachary Tomilin, a man associated with Frank.
"You, you bastard" Frank puts his head down, chuckling softly.
"Yeah, it's me, now tell me, where is the money" Zachary says, grabbing him by his collar.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Zach" he says.
"Don't play dumb, you fucking son of a bitch, you know damn well what it's for and who it's for" he smirks, punching him.

Frank grunts, dripping blood from his mouth. I was getting beat, beat and beat minute after minute for something I genuinely didn't know about. Typical new york vigilantes for you, especially when you're associated with one of the biggest anti-heroes in the world.

"Good girl, now show me those big flashy tits of yours" David says, ripping my shirt. Zach nudges his shoulder, whispering.
"That's your fucking sister, don't, this man is capable of killing both of us" David nods, pulling my shirt back up.
"So you like touching girls without their consent, David, David Lee Santiago, son of Trey and Cassandra Santiago, what ashame, you're mother wouldn't have liked her little boy going around touchin' his sister, and disappointing her by not doing what she taught" Frank smirks, side-eyeing him from his low hanging head.
David's face was honestly priceless, wish I would've recorded that on the camera. Haha. He scoffs, chuckling.
"You think you're funny old man" he says grabbing him by his collar.
"Admit it, kid, you can't hurt me, all you're doing is talking AND YA AIN'T DOING NOTHING, IF YOU HAD BALLS YOU WOULD'VE DONE IT BY NOW, KID, SHOW ME WHATCHA GOT YOU GOT THE PUNISHER RIGHT IN FRONT OF YA" he gradually starts yelling, spitting blood on his face.
Zach punched the living shit out of David, threatening to shove nails in my skin and bone with a drill and hammer.
"I'LL DO IT FRANK, TELL ME WHERE THE GODDAMN MONEY IS NOW! OR SHE'LL GET IT!" he shows off the drill, putting a hard helmet on with a light to see what he's doing.
"AYE AYE AYE ENOUGH I'LL TELL YOU" he yells over the sound of the echoing drill.
"Good" He goes to Frank, still holding the drill in his hand.
"It's in my truck, a big red truck in the parking lot" he nods, grunting at the feeling of hot air in his chest.
"Get on scene" Zach says into a walkie-talkie.
I was caught off guard, the hot air making me exhausted, dizzy, dehydrated. My head was pounding, making it hard for me too see or hear. All I saw was David, I blinked hard to see what was going on and felt excruciating pain, a drillin my chest. I screamed loudly, loud as I possibly could.
"GET THE FUCK OFF HER!" Frank finally loses his shit, ripping out of the rope and grabbing anything he could as a weapon. He head butted Zach, as hard as he could, grabbing David like a rag doll against the tunnel wall, holding him at gunpoint. I couldn't breathe, it was too much for me to handle.
"Frank!" I yelled from my chair.
He looks down at David, as he was bleeding from his head. "Kill him! Please" I cry, falling out of my chair.
"I'M SORRY I-I'M SORRY!" David said crying over me.
Frank made a angry face, shooting him in the head and shooting Zach in the head also. I cry, now both the pain of losing my big brother, daughter, and father, and the pain of the nail inside my chest. Right now, right now all that mattered was me healing. I gasp for air, my chest tightening from the lack of oxygen and the rust of the nail in my system.
"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay, you're okay, I'm gonna get you out of here" he says, helping me catch my breath. I look up at him, coughing hard, croaking small words.
"Get. It. Out. I.. can't breathe" I croak, pointing at the rusty nail hanging out of my chest.
"Are you sure, it's gonna hurt like hell" he asks.
I nod fast, taking as much breath in as I could. He quickly tried to nudge it out of my chest, making me cry out, throwing my head back in pain.
"I know, I know, it's almost out, you're doing good" he reassures, holding my hand.
"One last breath, and we're done, okay, one..two..three" he says pulling it out. I scream loudly, crying out.
"You're done, we're done" he says using the dirty rag to stop the bleeding. I gasp for air, better, without a fucking nail to the chest.
"We have to get out of here, we're gonna suffocate if we don't, yes it's hot but we'll die if we don't get out of here" he says helping me up onto my leg.
"W-what about the wounds"
"I don't have any bandages or gauzes, we're gonna just have to let it be, no more questions, focus, kid" he says helping me up onto the ladder. I crawl up, looking for the nearest exit. There were multiple that said exit, who knew which one was which.
"Shit" he breathes, looking around.
"We're gonna have to look, let's go" I say, crawling on my only good leg without being in pain.
There was gas filling up the rooms, we we're being watched. I grab Frank's hand letting him know I was around. I quickly ran on both legs, finding a light outside. A railroad track, but at an edge. TUTTUTUTUTUTTUTUTUTUUUTUY gunshots. Frank grabs me, holding me next to a boulder outside, it was scorching hot out, almost 104 degrees farenheit. It was blazing heat, and we're being shot at.
"What are we gonna do" I ask, looking up.
He stirs around, silent, thinking about something.
"We're gonna jump, kid, you and me, jump"
"What?! Are you insane?!" I reply in shock.
"Insane is my middle name, kid" he smirks.
A grenade was sent, Frank's eyes locked onto it, making me gasp. He grabs me, jumping down almost 100 feet off the ground. I hide in his chest, not daring to look down. THUD we landed.

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