Difficult Times

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(Haven't uploaded a chapter since last year, damn)

3rd person pov

Y/N: You ever just lay there, and for no reason your eye starts stinging? Like, you can't do anything to make it stop unless it wants to on it's own

Ilia: That has nothing to do with our current situation. Why bring it up?

Y/N: Just making conversation

Ilia: If we're going to be doing that, then why did you suddenly dump the redhead?

This caused Y/N to go quiet for a bit, now just sitting there. The other two were still asleep, with this human and Faunas duo getting up real early even without trying, having been routine for a bit now.

The sun had barely started rising and they were sat around where the campfire was from last night, only having cinders and ash of what used to be there. As he felt Ilia slowly looking over the teen took a deep breath.

Y/N: That has nothing to do with our current situation. Why bring it up?

Ilia: Very funny. Answer the question

Y/N: You were there, he barely thinks I can contend for myself! I don't wanna be with someone who doesn't have respect for me

Ilia: You came to help Blake, and then you went and asked Pyrrh to help because you couldn't do it yourself, right?

Y/N: It was Eve, what did you expect?

Ilia: What I'm saying is... I think you're both in dire need of an actual talk

Rolling his eyes a little at this Y/N looked away making the Faunas stand up and step over to him, grabbing him by the hair and forcing him to turn his head towards Ilia, all the while he was wincing and flinching.

Y/N: Wh-What the hell?

Ilia: Let me put in a way you can understand. And really get this through your thick human skull, to whatever brain in there that the White Fang didn't beat out of you. You wanted to get back to him, and because he said something you didn't like in a stressful environment, you dumped him

Letting go of Y/N with a shove forward Ilia went off for a moment. The teen rubbed his head a little but glanced over his shoulder towards where Pyrrh and Blake had set up, those two having taken some distance.

He started to get up but when he saw one of them start to stir he quickly turned his head away and stared down at his lap, now mulling over the words that he'd been left with.

While yes, Pyrrh probably gave some bad answers, he wasn't exactly making the questions fair. On top of that he didn't give the redhead a chance to reword himself last night.

As these thoughts crept into his head Y/N pinched himself to draw his attention away to something, anything else. Being alone with one's thoughts, with only yourself to challenge them never ends up well.

As Blake woke the faunas looked up to the sky, his slumber disturbed by the earlier arguing. While he didn't properly hear it, it was loud enough to creep into his dream and let him know he was sleeping, and that he should wake.

He gently rolled onto his side as his gaze landed on Y/N's slumped over frame, spotting some movement so it at least let him know he was awake too, and didn't fall asleep there like a parent or something.

The idea of the teen being a parent made the cat faunas perk up a little at why the heck he was even entertaining the thought. Well... Blake at least knew that even if Y/N wasn't the greatest person, he would try to help like he did against Eve.

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