A Long Passage

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3rd person pov

Raven: Come on, double time! Do you want to sleep in the rain?!

Bandits: No, Chief!

Raven: Then put your backs into it and haul ass!

Stepping back towards their tent Raven let out a soft sigh and glanced down. Thankfully this tent wasn't just a top over, so the floor wasn't soaked. Sitting down on their bed they took a deep breath.

After a few seconds they looked into a mirror and ran their hand along the side of their face, trying to straighten their faint crows feet a little before sighing softly and just running a hand through their thick head of black hair.

Despite how much they tried to not seem like it, aging effected almost everyone... almost. Glancing over Raven sat up as both Ilia and Y/N approached, the tan girl never seeming happy to be walking with him.

Raven: You two. Be honest with me, do I look old?

Y/N: A bit

Vernal: You're starting to

They were swiftly hit across the face with the sheathe to Raven's sword, clearly not happy with then answers. Then again, the two were asked to be honest with their Chief.

Raven: One of you could've at least lied to me

Both: Sorry, Chief

Y/N lowered his head while Vernal rubbed her arm, admittedly feeling a little bad considering the nature of their tribe. The strong were the ones to thrive, and with age comes weakness.

Then again, Raven was still the strongest out of everyone here last time they checked so they at least had a little while longer at the top before the position of chieftain would have some serious competition.

Raven: ...Are they still on our trail?

Vernal: Thankfully not. They lost us around 20 miles back. We're properly disguised within the woodland too

Raven: Need to find some place to permanently call our own... and you, Y/N

Y/N: Yeah?

Before he knew it his head recoiled forward as Vernal smacked him upside it for such a casual tone with their Chief, not even using Raven's title among them or anything.

Y/N: Y-Yes, Chief?

Raven: You didn't have a problem with cutting them down? You were a former Huntsman, after all

Y/N: Do you have to ask this question every time?

Just being met with a steely red eyed glare from the older Bandit he took a deep breath to recompose himself. There was no need to fold his arms behind his back, or keep them fixed to his sides but if he was just fiddling with them then that wouldn't look good.

Raven: Do you have a problem with it?

Y/N: Not at all, sir. I was never much of a Huntsman in the first place. Besides, you were one too

After a moment or two of silence, with the expression on Raven's face subtly shifting to a more thoughtful one they just gestured for the two to leave. Both gave a respectful gesture in return and walked away.

Before Y/N could leave though he was grabbed by the back of the collar and stopped by the Chief who just watched Vernal walk away. Leaning in they pushed their head forward and was basically cheek to cheek with the teen.

Their hands trailed down and along his, guiding him to close the tent which he began to do semi shakily, gulping a little. Taking a few steps back Raven turned away, fiddling with something a little.

Once fully closed and sealed off from the rest of the camp Y/N felt his heart catch in his throat, a feeling of fear starting to travel up his spine as he believed something bad was about to happen.

Y/N: D... Did I speak out of turn, Ch-Chief?

Raven: Ma'am

Y/N: ...I'm sorry?

Raven: The correct term would be ma'am, I suppose. Not sir

Pausing at this Y/N quickly looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow in confusion, now fully turning to face Raven who just sat down on their bed, the top looking a bit more loose.

Y/N: Is... Is this a joke?

Raven: It's not. Doesn't matter anymore though, I've cast off my gender

Slowly Y/N approached the chief and sat on the floor in front of them, or her, or... what Raven wanted to be called. No one ever sat with them after all, as no one was on their level or demanded the same respect.

This being stated to the teen only caused more questions as he looked down to his lap, just trying to figure out why this was even told to him, or why the chieftain had decided he was "worthy enough" to be told.

Raven: Well? I expect you to have some questions

Y/N: W-Well yeah. For one, why would you?

Raven: Women earn less respect then men in this tribe, they're seen as weaker. In order to gain their loyalty, I cast off my gender

Y/N: Why not try and sway their perception or something?

Raven: Because everyone is so set in their own ways, any attempt at change would see be cast out

All the teen could do was nod slightly, although realistically he wasn't a teenager, an adult, technically. That aside, he was still just confused as to why this was being told told him.

Y/N: It's still kind of... hard to believe. You look more androgynous then anything

This elicited a slightly frustrated sigh from Raven who just pulled open their top a little, showing their upper torso had been bandaged down, mostly around the chest area which seemed to stick out a little.

Raising a finger Y/N went to speak but stopped himself, slowly lowering it as his doubts now started to taper off. Now that he thought about it, was he into girls too? Never had any experience with them, so it was hard to say.

Raven: Satisfied now?

Y/N: Y-Yeah... wait, why tell me any of this?

Raven: Because you are potentially the strongest male in the camp, and... unless someone stronger comes along, you might need to lead

Y/N: Lead? I'm- no. No way, I can't lead anyone. I'm not even properly from the tribe. Why not let Vernal do it?

Raven: Haven't you been listening? She did try to correct her mistake but she's known as a woman. She'll never have their respect

Flinching a little Y/N looked down to his feet as Raven fixed their clothes and breathed in deeply, just trying to settle down now. Now that the teen thought about it, how long bad he been gone from those who tried to rescue him?

He felt his heart catch in his throat as he started to stand, now stumbling a little but Y/N managed to regain his footing. It was all just so... rough, everything about this damn camp.

Raven: You're dismissed

Y/N: ...Yes cheif

Raven: Oh, and Y/N?

Y/N: What is it?

Raven: Don't be a stranger if you have any issues

(Lemme know what you think)

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