A Very Simple Mission

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(There, you lot got a lemon... I wrote gay porn)

3rd person pov

Ever since the previous night, a few people had been feeling very opposite emotions. For Pyrrh, joy was what he felt the most. Y/N, it was half confusion, and half satisfaction.

Emerald on the other hand, he was infested with a deep building rage towards his teammate. Of all the things that could've happened to him, it had to be Y/N deleting the Trojan he was ment to insert into the security.

How. Was he some kind of plant, doing this on purpose, acting like this just to fool everyone? Whatever the case, if the greenette reported this to Cinder, one of two things would probably happen.

Either Cinder has a back up and does it herself, or she banishes Emerald and the plan is ruined. Looking over to the teen he scowled at his back, burning holes into it as he seemed just dandy.

Of course, what happened had been told to the others causing them to be more suspicious of Y/N, although Neo didn't really show a change from how distant he'd become from the teen.

Y/N: So, team leader, what mission did you choose for us?

Emerald: ...Security detail

Y/N: Really? Well, doubt anything will happen, so it should be pretty uneventful

Emerald: That's what I'm counting on

Glancing over to the mute he took a moment before figuring since he was trying to make up with Blake the other day, he should probably try the same with him, especially since they're teammates and what not.

As they travelled towards the destination for their mission Y/N stepped back and gently held onto Neo's arm, pulling him back with him causing the shorter male to pull his arm back and glance over out the corner of his eye.

The glare he seemed to be getting made the teen hesitate briefly, remembering what kind of relationship they had before, and compared to the actual one he was in now which made him feel a bit awkward.

Y/N: ...So, um. How are you?

A "really?" look was sent his way making Y/N take a second before letting out a breath and rub his arm, remembering that it was hard to have a conversation with someone who didn't speak.

Y/N: Right, yes or no questions only. Uh, I know we had a thing and it was unofficially put on hold or whatever... but now it's done for, officially

This elicited a different kind of like from the vertically challenged ice cream, knowing that Y/N went to Prom with Pyrrh the other night, but did things really go that well for him?

It was clear that Neo wanted more from him, so while he tried to think of ways to describe it, the teen breathed in deeply and thought back to how he would exactly explain what he and Pyrrh were now.

Y/N: I-I guess me and him are, y'know, dating? I'm not a big fan of the label, but yeah

Mercury: I think he gets the point, man. Best not to upset him

Being pulled forward by Mercury who seemed to be trying to prevent any potential fights, Y/N just nodded and continued to walk, now in the middle of the ground, ahead of Neo but behind Emerald.

Glancing to his teammate the grey haired male let out a breath, having a heard time believing that Y/N of all people actually did was the greenette described, but he at least probably didn't do it to prevent their plans.

Mercury: Keeping up with your training?

Y/N: Oh, uh, yeah. Pyrrh's been helping me when he can

Mercury: Got a better grasp of that semblance of yours?

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