Chapter 8

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"Hey, Red what's up?" Nerissa asked as she greeted me through the phone. A grin grew on my face. I was about to get free drinks and I'm loving it.

"Hey, remember when you told me that drinks would be on you if I got on the pole?" I heard her sigh.

"You're cashing in your part of the deal aren't you." I smiled even brighter of that's even possible.

"You are correct." I giggled. She groaned over the phone.

"Alright, fine. But if you don't look like a slut when I get there we're not going." She then hung up. No problem. I happily skipped to my closet and threw open it's doors. Now what to wear?


"I look okay right?" I asked myself as I checked myself over in the mirror

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"I look okay right?" I asked myself as I checked myself over in the mirror. "Eh, it won't matter when I have a few drinks in me anyways." I giggled and walked back into the living room/ my bedroom and grabbed my phone. I got a text ten minutes ago from Nerissa saying that she's leaving her apartment. So that only means she could show up any minute.

"Honey I'm home!" She shouted as she entered my apartment like she owned the place.

"And speak of the devil." I said as I turned around and greeted her with a hug. She pulled away and looked me up and down. I couldn't read her facial expression and that was making me nervous.

"Hmm, could show some more skin but it looks good for now."

"Nerissa, this is the most risque thing I own!" I said as I put my hands on my hips and pouted.

"Oh calm down, princess. Next time you'll just have to borrow something from my closet. Now let's go! The Trip Trap don't wait for nobody!" Nerissa said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my apartment.

"Ugh, that's the shittiest bar in town." I groaned. Nerissa tsked.

"Well, that's the only bar within a ten mile radius! We gotta make do with what we got."


The Trip Trap bar was packed! Like every Friday night. Nerissa and I made our way to the front of the bar and took the last two available seats. We were greeted with Holly. She took one look at me and her facial expression immediately softened. She's got a soft spot for me. I use that to my advantage.

"What the hell are you doing back here, Red." She said as she smiled at me and began pouring me my signature drink. Vodka cranberry!

"I honestly have no idea." I said as I put my elbows up on the bar and ran my hands over my face and groaned.

"Oh lighten up you. You came back here to have fun! And mainly because you missed me." Nerissa said as she kissed my cheek. Holly laughed.

"Nerissa, nobody comes to Fabletown to have fun. You're only exiled here or come here to drink your sorrows away." Holly said as she handed me my drink.

Little Red; Bigby WolfWhere stories live. Discover now