Chapter 10

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"How beautiful she was when she let me kiss her" - Phantom Of The Opera


"He did what!" Nerissa screeched to me on the other side of the phone. She was so loud that I has to literally pull the phone away from my ear. "Red are you serious!"

"Dead serious." I groaned. I face palmed and ran my hand down my face in humiliation.

"Why are you so upset? Was he really that bad?"

"No, he was amazing but I don't know what to do now with the situation. I've never done this before." I don't want to be one of those girls who ask "What are we" after the first sex session. That is not me, I don't get tied down, not again.

"You don't do anything if you don't want it to go anywhere." She said plainly. Like I was just supposed to know this.

"Is it always this awkward." I said gritting my teeth.

"Only if you make it awkward, my love. You don't have to date. You can just do casual sex. Bigby is a pro at casual." She giggled.

"I don't need to know that, idiot." Just the though of Bigby messing around with the other gives me a unsettling feeling that I loathe.

"Oh calm down, hotshot. From what I've heard he hasn't been around the block lately as much as he used to. I wonder why." She said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever your thinking, unthink it. Just because I came back down to this dump doesn't make me the cause of Bigby's lack of hookups." I checked the time on my phone and noticed that I'm late for work...again. "Shit gotta go, I'm already late, Georgie is going to have my head."

"Okay, catch ya later, love you." Nerrisa said as she made a kissing sounds through the phone.

"Love ya too." I did the same. I grabbed all my belongings and exited my apartment. I looked both ways and I saw Bigby walking down the hallway and my heart starting beating faster and my cheeks flushed in remembrance of how he made me feel last night. I quickly made my way to the elevator without him seeing me. Yup, this is awkward already. Fuck.


I'm currently talking to one of the customers at the bar while I refill his beer when a certain someone with deep brown eyes takes the open chair. When I tell you I did not want to see him tonight. I put on my best fake smile and faced him. "What can I get you Bigby?" I said already knowing he wants whiskey on the rocks.

"Whiskey on the rocks." Bingo.

"Here ya go." I said plcing it in front of him with a napkin. I turned to go help another customer when he grabbed my wrist sending a bolt of electricty up my spine.

"Are we not going to talk about our little session last night?" He winked.

"Bigby, for the love of God please don't make this anymore more than it has to be. I just want to do my job and leave." I tried to tug my wrist away but to no avail, he wasn't letting go. He pulled me so that I was bending over the bar and I can practically taste the whiskey on his breathe.

"Let me make myself clear, princess. You are now mine. I don't care what that pretty little mouth says. If some guy as much gets a little too friendly with you I won't hesitate to put him handcuffs, drag him to jail myself and throw away the key." He said with all seriousness.

"Don't be ridiculous, we had one night together, it meant nothing. Now can you please leave so I can get back to work." I said finally pulling free from his grasp.

"You and I both know that it didn't mean nothing, Red. I know you're still a little virgin. I plan to be your first and your last. You are not getting rid of me this time, I promise." He grinned. "And as for leaving, I think I'm gonna stay and keep and eye on you. You drive me crazy." I scoffed and got back to talking to customers who don't piss me off.


"Red I need you on stage." Georgie said coming up to me behind the bar.

"Um I'm not dancing tonight." I said continuing to pur drinks.

"Yes you are if you still want this job. One of the girls called out again and we're short." I looked over at Bigby and he had the biggest grin plastered on his gorgeous face.

"I'll finally get to see you in action, gorgeous."

"Fuck off or I'll have security throw you out, mutt." I said flipping my hair over my shoulder and making my way backstage. He continued to follow me.

"Did you forget I'm the sheriff of this town. I don't think they'll throw me out." He chuckled.

I sat down at my vanity and touched up my makeup while he continued to stare at me witha  weird look in his eye. "What?" I snapped in the middle of applying my lipstick.  He didn't answer and I've grown tired of him. I stood up from my chair and dragged him out the back entrance by his ear. "What the actual fuck is your problem tonight?" I shouted. "We had one night last night and all of a sudden your acting like a possessive freak! I'm not your girlfriend, fuck I'm barely even your friend! You are nothing to me Bigby! You're just a part in my story and that's all we'll ever be. Now make like your father and leave." That last one was a low blow. He looked taken aback.

"Wow, that was low, even for you, Red. I never though you of all people would say something like that to me. Go fuck yourself." He then turned on his heel and walked away from me. Fuck me.

"Bigby please wait." I called after him as I started to follow. He didn't answer me. I picked up the pace and started running until I stood in front of him and he was forced to look at me. "Bigby I am so sorry. I should never, ever of said that to you. Look, I don't know why you've suddenly turned a new leaf or whatever this act is but I'm not sure what the fuck this is. Like my head is spinning trying to wrap my head around you. I-" I was cut off from Bigby devouring my mouth with his. It got so heavy that he actually drew blood from my lips and he groaned when he tasted it. He pulled away with a groan.

"Red, have you ever thought it was possible for someone to like your rude ass?" He said putting his hands on both his hips. "I'm not good with words so I'll try to make this as painless as possible. Ever since you came back you have been nothing but a thorn in my fucking side. But you're so refreshing. You don't cower in fear like everyone else in this town when I'm around. I'm fucking addicted to you, I need you like I need air and my cigarettes. Like I said in the bar, you are mine, Red." He got so close that we are toe to toe. "Say it." He growled.

"Say what?"

"Say that your mine." He said pulling my bottom lip down exposing some of my teeth. I took a breath and smiled. For real.

"I'm yours."

The End -Danielle

Little Red; Bigby WolfWhere stories live. Discover now