Chapter 2

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After Bigby left my place I didn't fall back asleep. I got up from my couch and I noticed that it was the early morning. I looked at my phone and it was seven a.m. I groaned and walked to my bathroom. I looked like I was on the brink of death. I have bags under my eyes and all the color is drained from my face. I'm pale enough as it is but this was a sickening white.

    I brushed my brown locks and applied some concealer in attempt to hide my bags. I also applied some rosy pink blush to bring some life to my face. I sighed and walked back into the living room to grab my basket and I headed out. And of course I had to run into the person I didn't want to see. "Hey, Red." He said as he headed towards the elevators. I followed him.

    "Hey, Red? That's all I get?"

    "Yeah, what more do you expect?" He laughed. I've always hated his stupid remarks. I pulled my red hood over my head and walked into the elevator with him. I have nothing better to do so why not bother him while he's at work. He took a drag from his cigarette and I took his from him and put it between my lips and took a long drag. I coughed afterwards.

    "You smoke the shittiest brand." He didn't say anything. He's either annoyed or furious. I rolled my eyes and handed him back the cigarette. The elevator opened and I followed him out of the building.

    "Where are you headed?" He asked.

    "Wherever you are going." I said as I swung my basket from left to right smirking.

    "What do you mean?" He said as I kept walking.

    "I'm gonna follow you to work today."

    "Not a good idea. Snow hasn't been in all that great of a mood these past few days."

    "Snow has never liked me and I don't have a problem with that. But I will not let her boss me around just because I'm small."

    "You've never listened to anyone."

    "I don't like playing by the rules." He growled. I smiled knowing I was getting under his skin.

    "Fine. Just don't distract me."

    "Me? Distract you? Never!" I said as I laughed.

    "Red." He warned.


    "You're walking on VERY thin ice. I would watch it if I were you." He said.

    "I don't like to play by the rules." I sing-songed and I skipped in front of him.


    Bigby was in a business meeting with Snow while I was messing around in his office. I was spinning around in his spinning chair when I fell off and landed under his desk. "Owie." I said to myself. I sat back down and started spinning again. I laughed to myself and took off my red hood. I sighed and stopped the fun.

    I decided to go throw his drawers, I opened them and they were all the cases in Fabletown over the past fifty years. I went to L to see if I could find anything and sure enough I did. I pulled out the file and out popped a picture of me when I was a child. It was when the police found me in Grandma's house. After Bigby ate her. My brown locks where all over the place, I had tear stained cheeks, blood all over me and my dress was torn. The name of the file was 'Little Red'. I decided to read through the article and it was all about how an innocent Little Girl was traveling through the woods wearing a red hood and was on the way to her Grandmothers house. And it explain how Bigby found me in the woods and was about to eat me until the Woodsman saved me. And then it went on to say how Bigby almost ate me once I got to Grandma's house but the Woodsman saved my life for the second time.

    I looked at the picture of myself again and I have always had big eyes and rosy red lips. I was certainly not happy when the picture was taken. I remember being scared, depressed and confused. After all that I was placed in a foster home and was instantly labeled as the outcast. I was the only one there with big blue eyes and rosy lips. I know it sounds stupid now that I'm older but when I was five it really hit my insecurities. I cried for my grandmother every night. I asked her why the kids where so mean to me and why she had to leave me all by myself. I ran my finger over the picture and sighed. Then Bigby stormed inside his office. Shaken by the outburst I screamed and fell out of his chair again.

    "What are you doing?" He asked.

    "Just laying around."

    "Why where you going through my files?" I stood up and straightened out my dress.

    "You mean MY files." I said sitting back down.

    "What are you talking about?" He asked as he put his hands on his hips. I showed him the picture and his expression softened.

    "Got nothing to say now." I said as I glared at him and crossed my arms.

    "Red I-"

    "Hey I get it. It's over now. I don't care about it. So what happened in the meeting?" I asked as I got up from his chair and sat on his desk. He took my place in his chair.

    "Can't tell you."

    "Why not?" I said as I fake pouted.

    "It's between me and Snow." He said as he started going through his papers. I sighed and started walking all around his office. He looked up and sighed. "What are you doing now?"

    "Bigby Wolf, always so serious. Can never take a break. Ever." I spat.

    "That's kind of hard when you're the sheriff of a town like this." I decided to tease him because why not? I walked behind him and starting giving him a message. "What the fuck are you doing?" He asked as I pressed on his shoulders.

    "What? Can't give the sheriff a massage?" I said as I whispered in his ear. He groaned and pushed me away. "What's your problem?" I said as I put my hands on my hips.

    "You're my problem! You've been my problem ever since I met you! I leave you alone for a half hour and you rummage through my files and fuck everything up! And now you're trying to distract me from very important work!"

    "Well, if I'm such a bother then I'll just leave." I said as I got my basket.


    "Save it, Wolf, I'm just a problem." I looked at him one last time and slammed his door behind me. Making a crack form in the glass in the process.

Little Red; Bigby WolfWhere stories live. Discover now