Chapter 3

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'I'm just a problem. I'm just a fucking problem.' I thought to myself as I ran through the streets of Fabletown with tears streaming down my face. "Fuck Bigby Wolf." I whispered to myself. At least, I thought I whispered.

    "Who's fucking Bigby Wolf?" I know that voice from anywhere. It belonged to my childhood friend Nerissa. She's the only one who knows the real me. She knows me like the back of her hand. I looked down an alleyway and I saw her silhouette.

    "Come out, Little Mermaid." I said as I crossed my arms and smirked. She stepped out of the shadows and of course, looking beautiful as ever. I dropped my arms and ran to hug her. Once I ran into her she chuckled and ran her fingers through my long, brown locks. "I missed you."

    "I missed you too. How are you doing?"

    "Alright I guess. Fabletown hasn't changed much since I left."

    "There's not much to this town anymore. It's kind of depressing." She said as she lit a cigarette.

    "Tell me about it." I said as I did the same. She eyed me from the corner of her eye and I just looked at her. "What?" I laughed.

    "You've defiantly matured." She chuckled. I crossed my arms and pouted.

    "Calm down, Feisty. It was just a joke. Just never thought I'd see the day where you had a women's body. No wonder why you're sleeping with Bigby." That sentence caught me completely by surprised so I started choking up the smoke that was in my lungs.

    "What did you just say?" I said in between coughs.

    "You said something along the lines of 'Fucking Bigby Wolf'."

    "No, no, no. I said 'Fuck Bigby Wolf.' As in piss off."

    "Oh." She started to laugh hysterically.

    "You're so lucky you're pretty." Nerissa flashed me a smile and I rolled my eyes.

    "You know you love me." She said.

    "Yeah, yeah, yeah." Nerissa checked the time on her watch and quickly stomped on her cigarette.

    "Late again, Little Mermaid." I said as I took a drag.

    "Always." She laughed. She then started running down the alley.

    "Go make that money!" I shouted. I laughed to myself and continued walking to no destination.


    Don't ask me how but I ended up back at the Business Office. I walked in and went straight into Bigby's Office. But I really wish I didn't. There he was on top of his desk...with Snow under him. I just stood there with my jaw hitting the floor. I was frozen in place. They were too as well. "Red before you-" I screamed and placed my hands over my eyes. "Red-"

    "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I hate you Bigby Wolf! So much!" I walked away from the room and quickly made my way down the stairs.

    "Red wait!" Bigby said as he chased after me.

    "Stay away from me!" I said as I started to run faster. My legs were starting to burn at this point. I could feel his heavy footsteps getting closer to me. Just as I turned the corner I was dragged into a dark alley and pinned against the wall. "Let go of me Bigby! I don't want to see you! Leave me alone!"

    "No! You need to calm down!"

    "How can I when I just walked in on you and Snow doing it on top of your fucking desk!" Bigby then covered my mouth with his hand.

    "Be quiet! We don't need all of Fabletown knowing what I do. Look, I know it was wrong okay, I don't know why I did it. Just please don't say anything. I don't want things to be awkward between us." He then removed his hand and I continued walking down the street. "Okay?!" He shouted. I ignored him and just kept walking.


    "What?" I said into my phone to Nerissa. "I can have my old job back?"

    "Yup. How else are you going to pay for your apartment? It's not exactly cheap."


    "Great! Why don't you come by now? Try to get back into the move of things."

    "Sure!" I hung up my phone and grabbed my basket and made my way down to the Pudding And Pie.

    Once I made it down there and everyone greeted me with smiles. I wasn't a dancer there, I was a waitress. But waitresses had to wear 'slutty costumes'. We got to choose as long as it looked nice and showed off our figure, and it had to be approved by Georgie. That was the part I hated the most but he approved everyone of mine that I picked out. I went backstage and all the girls were dressed in white, fluffy bath robes.

    "Hey, Red!" One of the girls greeted.

    "Hey! Do you know where Nerissa is?"

    "Over by the vanity getting ready." I walked over and I saw Nerissa applying some red lipstick.

    "Who's that sexy girl?" I said as I approached her.

"Haha, very funny, Red." She said sarcastically.

    "Oh come on, you know you're hot."

    "Ehh." She said. "So are you excited?"

    "A little bit."

    "Good, the real reason why I called you down here is because Georgie wanted you to start tonight." My mouth dropped.

    "But I have nothing to wear!"

    "Don't worry, I got you covered." She then went over to the closet and pulled out a 'slutty' Little Red Riding Hood costume.

    "You've got to be fucking kidding me." I said as I face-palmed.

    "Hey, it was the only one here and it fits you." She said as she laughed.

    "Fairytale or size?" I asked.

    "Both! Now go try it on!"


(That's what Red's outfit looks like!)

(That's what Red's outfit looks like!)

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"Damn, Red." Nerissa said as she giggled. "You look like yourself but then again you don't."

    "Shut up!" I said as I was putting on my stupid red heels.

    "Nice red, lacey panties." I then realized that I was bending over. I decided to go along with it.

    "Glad you're enjoying the view."

    "Looks like Bigby will be enjoying it too." One of the girls said.

    "WHAT!" I screamed.

    "Yup, Bigby is here. He's talking to Georgie, probably about police business. There was probably another beheading at the back of the club last night."

    "Huh?" I asked.

    "Haven't you heard? There's been a lot of murders in Fabletown lately."

    "OH. MY. GOD!" I can never win can I?

Little Red; Bigby WolfWhere stories live. Discover now