Chapter 9

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"Thus with a kiss I die." -Romeo and Juliet

"Fucking hell." I cursed to myself. "I'll see ya later, Charming." I quickly kissed his cheek and made my way to the back of the bar where Holly still was. I am not letting Bigby see me here, he'll have a fucking fit even though he was no reason to. He's not my dad, or my grandma.

"What the fuck are you doing behind here?" Holly whisper-shouted. I have her a soft smile and basically pleaded with my eyes. "You owe me." That's all I've ever been doing for the fables around here I swear.

"Turn the music off!" I heard Bigby shout. He's such a buzzkill.

A good looking buzzkill!

Shut up brain!

The music cut off just then.

"What the hell do you want Bigby? Don't you have another group of folks to terrorize?" I heard Gendel say. He sounded like he was going to snap any moment. Good, maybe he'll kill the dog for good this time since he was so incompetent last time. Ugh, men can never do anything right. If you want something done, you gotta do it yourself.

"Calm down, I'm just looking for Little Red Riding Hood. Her friend Nerissa called and she hasn't seen her in a couple hours. Nerissa says she should've been home by now and this was the last place she was known to be. Anybody seen her?" I could practically see the eyebrow raise. I looked up to Holly and shot her a knowing glare. I'm also gonna have to have a good talking to Nerissa when I get home! Calling the fucking sheriff on me! She did that on purpose!

"No, she hasn't been here, Bigby. Didn't even know she was back in town. Make sure to say hello for me." She sarcastically smiled at him. Damn, literally nobody here likes this dog. It's all his fault though.

"Are you sure? This is her favorite hangout spot." He doesn't sound convinced in the slightest.

"Holly said she hasn't seen her so she's not here! Now why don't you leave before you make me angry, dog." Go, Gren!

"Is that a threat?" Oh no.

"You're damn right it fucking is. What are you gonna do about it?" I could hear the smirk in Grendel's tone. This is gonna end bad, really fucking bad.

"Why don't you stop now and I won't have to take you back to the station. Just tell me where she is and I'll leave all of you alone. I'm not looking for a fight." That's a first.

"Leave." It was silent for a minute before Bigby spoke again. Not before he huffed though.

"Fine." I then heard the door open and slam again. The music started right back up and the normal chatter of the Trip Trap resumed.

"Finally!" I said as I hopped back up from my crouched position. "I thought he would never leave." I then took my seat beside Gren and Woody. I decided to take out my cell phone for the night and saw a bunch of missed calls and texts from Nerissa and one voicemail from Bigby. I decided to listen to it, I wanna hear how pathetic he sounds.

"Red, where the fuck are you?! Any reason why Nerissa called me in full panic mode?! Once I find you, you are in big trouble." The last sentence sent a strange sensation throughout my body. I felt like I wanted him to find me now. A grin made it's way to my ruby red lips. I pressed the call button and it didn't even make it through the first ring before he picked up. "Red." He snarled.

"And a hello to you too, sheriff." I threw the same amount of sass right back of him.

"Where are you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." I giggled. Let's see how far I can push him before he snaps.

"Red, I'm not playing, where the fuck are you hiding?" He huffed.

Little Red; Bigby WolfWhere stories live. Discover now