Chapter 5

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You know what? Since Bigby wants to come to my workplace and piss me off I can go to his and do the same! But I won't be so nice about it! I want him to regret breaking me, regret even meeting me in those woods that fateful day. The woodsman should've just killed him for good, what a shame, and yet, he becomes the sheriff of this town. Pssh, pathetic.

I grabbed my basket and headed down to his office. Luckily, it was unlocked. I evilly giggled and he was not here yet. Perfect! I took the red lipstick out of my basket and went to work.


I stepped back and admired my work and smirked. I wrote "Fuck you Wolf!" On his desk and "Guess who was here!" On his mirror I also threw his files everywhere. He's probably gonna kick my ass when he sees what I've done but I don't care about anything anymore! I grabbed my basket once more and skipped out of his office happy with myself.

"Oh my, my, my! Who is that beauty?!" I looked over my shoulder and smiled once I saw who it was! Beauty!

"Beauty!" I said as I ran towards her and knocked her over once I got ahold of her. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too! Where have you been all this time?! You just vanished without a word! I thought you would atleast tell me." She said disappointed.

"I wanted to tell you but I needed to do that for myself. After my grandmother died I was heartbroken and I hated the orphanage so as soon as I was 18 I moved out and lived in Manhattan with all the Mundies."

"You we're gone for 3 years. Everyone thought you were dead. Even Bigby who was going crazy trying to find you. There's a grave for you and everything."

"So I've heard. But Bigby? Going crazy? Looking for me? Ha! I highly doubt it!"

"I'm guessing you guys didn't have a great reunion."

"I caught him having sex with Snow the other day on top of his desk." I said plainly while Beauty gasp. Like she never heard of such a thing. Too innocent.

"Really! I can't believe that!"

"Yup. So I'm not speaking to him. I hate him."

"But you just came out of his office?"

"I destroyed it." I gave her a smirk. She once again gasped and brought her hand up to her mouth.

"Red you did not!"

"Beauty I did."

"He's going to kill you!"

"Oh please, like I'm scared of some dog." I laughed. As if on cue he came up from behind me and didn't spare me a look and he walked into The Woodlands, probably going up to his office. "I should probably leave." I said as I started to run away. "See ya, Beauty!"

"Bye, Red!" She shouted!


I was awoken by a rough knock at my door. I sleepily walked over and swung it open. And we can all guess who it was. "What the fuck do you-" before I could finish my sentence Bigby pushed me back so that I landed on my couch.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT STUNT YOU PULLED!" He screamed in my face. He was so close his breath was fanning my face. His breath smelt of the shitty brand of cigarettes he chain smokes.

"I don't know what your talking about." I smirked. I turned around to go back to my bed but he grabbed my wrist and spun me around so that I was facing him and pinned me against the wall holding my wrist above my head. I sighed.

"WHAT. WAS. THAT. STUNT. YOU. PULLED?!" He screamed once again. This dog doesn't scare me one bit anymore.

"Bigby don't you have someone else to go bother? I really don't have time for your shit." I said now struggling trying to get out of his grasp. His face got closer to mine.

"Tell me why you did what you did then I'll leave." He said as I was staring into his auburn colored eyes.

"To get you back for pissing me off at my workplace!"

"I had to go there! There was a beheading behind the club! So as sheriff of this town it's my job to figure out who did it!"

"You're one pretty shitty sheriff." I laughed.

"Fuck you, Red."

"Don't you mean 'Fuck Snow'? Cause it seemed like you were enjoying it a few days ago." I smiled. Bigby practically had steam coming out of his ears. Signaling I'm getting under his skin. Perfect! "Now why don't you-" He cut me of by forcefully planting his rough lips on mine. He took my bottom lip between his teeth and I could feel the fangs coming out. I opened my eyes and saw his turn to a beautiful gold color. What is going on? He then let my wrists go and started dragging his hands all over my body. Letting them rest on my butt. I tried pushing him away but he wouldn't budge.

"Kiss me back, Red. I know you want to." I obeyed and kissed him back. His lips are so rough on my soft smooth ones. He needs some chapstick. But he's not the worst kisser in the world. He's actually pretty amazing. He then squeezed my ass and I squirmed. "Feisty as ever. I love it." He growled. "You make me go fucking crazy." He growled in my ear. I could feel my heart rate rapidly speed up with every passing second. "If only you knew what I could do to you." He smirked then he left.

I am in for a wild ride.

Little Red; Bigby WolfWhere stories live. Discover now