Evelyn was sleeping on an awake Landon's chest when he heard her gasp softly and start to whimper. He moved around her on the bed and started to shake her. "Evie, wake up. Evie, wake up." She suddenly woke up with a yell and sent Landon flying backwards onto a table in her room.
"Oh, my god." Evelyn gasped, "Lan, are you okay?"
Landon coughed, "Well, I was recently dead, so I think I'll mend."
"What happened?" Evelyn asked him frantically.
"You we're having a nightmare." Landon told her. "And then you screamed and some magical wave thing hit me, and now I have school supplies where no man should."
Evelyn ran her hands through her hair as she exhaled shakily, she hadn't had a nightmare in a long time.
Evelyn and Alaric were training in the gym as Alaric asked her, "So, what's wrong with you?"
"Nothing, I'm fine." Evelyn told him.
They walked around each other and switches sides, "Landon told me about your little incident."
"Isn't bestfriend confidentiality a thing? It should be." Evelyn said as they began fighting again.
"He's just worried about you, that's all." Alaric told the stubborn girl in front of him.
"He doesn't need to be." Evelyn told him.
"Are you sure?" Alaric asked, "It seems like you're manifesting a little stress and anxiety. My guess is, you're still dealing with the trauma of seeing Zack almost dead and Landon actually dead." Evelyn grunted as the two continued fighting as they moved around each other.
Evelyn exhaled, "I've been through worse."
"I mean, with your family history, I just want to make sure..." Alaric was cut off by Evelyn's shout. "I said I'm fine!" She accidentally sent him flying backwards to the entrance of the gym.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Evelyn said, "I-I could stand to blow off some steam. I'm gonna... go check the woods to see if I can wolf out." Evelyn turned and exited the gym.
"I have some news." Alaric announced. He stood at the podium while Evelyn and Rafael sat side by side in the crowd of students. "Many of you, like me, have forgotten, that we are hosting this year's Miss Mystic Falls Pageant." Students began to groan and mutter in annoyance. "Trust me, I know. But the rotation is set in stone. So, let's take the opportunity to maintain our image as a normal school for the rich and awful. As usual, anything remotely magical, enchanted, vampire, wolf or witch-related must be kept tucked away, hidden, and under lock and key. Now, with your chore assignments."