The pack stood around the animal clinic, waiting to be informed on Allison's condition, "The good news is, Evelyn's blood managed to heal her wound." There were several breaths of relief, "The bad news is, it wasn't able to stop Allison from dying. Evelyn's blood turned her into a vampire."
Evelyn didn't wait to hear any responses, she turned and exited through the animal clinic doors. How could she do this? She knew exactly what it was like to have your choice taken away from you and yet she went and did the same even though she was only trying to save her friend.
She heard the door open behind her and turned to face Allison, "Alli, I'm so sorry, I never meant for this to happen-"
Evelyn cut herself when Allison threw her arms around her, burying her face in her shoulder, "You have nothing to be sorry for. It's not something I ever planned for but I would rather be a vampire than be dead."
"I could teach you." Evelyn offered after Allison pulled back, "How to control it, I mean. The bloodlust, the strength, all of it."
Allison smiled at her, "I would love that. Thank you, Evie."
"Of course." Evelyn smiled back at her in relief.
Kai sat in his living room but stood up quickly when he felt a presence behind him, confused at the face that greeted him, "Uh, Stiles, right?"
Void gave a dark and twisted grin, "Not exactly."
It wasn't fair, honestly. Kai wasn't even given a chance to defend himself, to fight back before one of the Oni's swords were shoved into his heart.
It was pulled back seconds after, Kai gasping in shock before he desiccated, dropping to the floor on top of the coffee table.
"See what happens when you mess up my plans, Evelyn Mikaelson." Void said to himself before he left.
Evelyn met up with Derek, Ethan, and Aiden at the school to fight the Nogistune.
"Did you bring us a gift?" He asked, seeing the Triskele Box in Derek's hand.
"I brought three." Derek corrected as the twins and Evelyn came to stand by his side.
"I've heard of an Alpha Pack, Derek, but not a pack of former Alphas." Void taunted him, "It's a little sad, isn't it?"
"I might not be an Alpha anymore, but I can still fight like one." Derek said, growling and flashing his eyes and canines.
The ninjas did a little show with their swords.
That was all it took for the fight to begin, the four rushed forward and began to take down the Oni until Ethan finally shouted, "Where the hell are they?"
"The jeeps here." Aiden shouted back, "They have to be somewhere!"
"In the school!" Derek told them, the Oni he was previously fighting shoving him back onto the school steps, "You have to get on the box. Someone get on the box!"
Aiden looked back at the box that was only a few feet away from him only for two Oni to appear right beside it, "I hate ninjas..."
It seemed the fight only went downhill from there, every Oni they took down four more showed up for them to fight, "We can't do this! We can't beat them!"
"You have to take the box, Aiden!" Evelyn yelled at the boy, "We can hold 'em off."
Derek growled at the Oni in front of him only for an arrow to be shot straight into it's chest, killing it.
The four looked back in shock only to see Chris and Allison standing side by side, Issac doing a flip of the roof of the school and landing in front of them.
"What was that?" Ethan asked in shock. "Silver." Allison responded.
Chris shot another Oni that Derek had started to fight, going to shoot another but it deflected it, "Get the arrow, it's the last one."
Aiden slid underneath the Oni's sword and lunged for the arrow, stabbing it into the Oni's chest.
"Aiden!" Ethan shouted in horror as Aiden slowly pulled the sword out of his abdomen.
Evelyn raced over to the teen as he collapsed, kneeling beside him as Ethan did the same beside her, "I can save him." Evelyn glanced between the twins with pleading eyes, "Let me save him."
"Okay." Ethan nodded frantically, giving her his consent.
Evelyn bit into her wrist and placed it over Aiden's mouth, coaxing softly, "Drink, Aiden. You have to."
Aiden did as he was told, his hands moving up to grab her arm as he drank her blood until Evelyn eventually pulled her wrist away.
They watched as his eyes fluttered shut and his heart slowed down the same way Allison's had until they snapped back open, only this time his eyes were yellow and there were veins crawling down his face.
Aiden Steiner was a hybrid.
Evelyn walked into her house, shutting the door behind her as she called out, "Kai! I'm home!"
She frowned in confusion when she got no response, "Kai?"
Evelyn walked further into her house, her confusion turning into concern as she spotted the scattered furniture, broken picture frames and a window, her coat rack thrown to the floor, what the hell happened to her house?
She felt her undead heart drop into her stomach as she made it to the living room, spotting Kai laying on the floor, "No."
She rushed down to his side, shaking him desperately, "Kai? No, no, no, this isn't funny! Kai?"
Evelyn felt tears escape her eyes, her brain already accepting what her heart couldn't, "Kai? Kai, would you please just wake up and look at me?" Evelyn's voice broke as a sob escaped her throat, "Please, dad. I can't do this again."
Evelyn buried her face into the man's chest, her heartbreaking sobs being the only noise to float throughout the room.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: i feel like this book keeps slowly getting more terrible and it's making me sad.
also, kai's death was really underwhelming so I might come back and rewrite it. I felt like I just wasn't doing his character justice or giving him an Evie enough time together so my solution? Kill him.
also, i realize it's hard for people to ship Scott and Evie if I don't give them scenes together, they'll get more in season 4. Overall everything will hopefully improve in the next act.