"Evie, it's time to wake up!" Bonnie knocked on the guest room door where Evelyn was sleeping, earning a groan from the young girl on the other side of the door.
"I'm up, I'm up." Evelyn mumbled, sitting up on the bed and looking around the room. Her bed was pushed up against the wall beside a window, there were decorations sprung across the wall above her head and there were plants on the window seal.
Making her way down the stairs, she saw Enzo making breakfast with Bonnie and Alexandra sitting together at the kitchen table. There were a few pictures along the house with her and family, she was posing as their foster daughter and they managed to make it believable over the summer.
Enzo set their own plates in front of them at the table and sat down at the table with them. "Well, you seem excited for school." Both Evelyn and Alexandra rolled their eyes fondly as Bonnie spoke up. "Leave them alone, Enzo. No kid is ever excited for school."
"So what was it like?" Evelyn asked them. "Before you guys met, if you don't mind me asking."
"Both our lives were a lot different, that's for sure." Bonnie chuckled lightly as Enzo nodded in agreement. "But now we couldn't imagine our lives without each other, especially without Xandra."
"Aww, love you guys too." Alexandra cooed playfully at her parents.
"Finish up your guy's breakfast, and let's get going, alright?" Enzo told them.
"Are you new too?" Evelyn heard, glancing to her side and seeing a brunette haired boy now standing next to her. Evelyn nodded slowly, "Yeah, so are me and my sister. I'm Ethan."
"Evelyn." Evelyn told him, "You can call me Evie." She smiled softly at the boy, already knowing he was gonna end up being a good friend.
"It is nice to meet you, Evie." Ethan smiled back at her, "You know anything about this school?"
"I know a bit, yeah." Evelyn said in confirmation, nodding at the boy.
The two began to walk down the hall as Ethan said, "Cool, maybe you can help find our way around."
"Sounds good." Evelyn shrugged simply.
Ethan decided to start up another conversation, "So, you have any siblings?"
"No, I'm an only child." Evelyn shook her head, causing Ethan to nod softly before she asked. "What's your first class?"