"So...we are going to try a meditative exercise to calm our nerves." Emma told the group of witches that sat around in a circle.
"You'll never be good enough to them, you'll always be second best to Hope. Show them your better than that." A voice whispered in Evelyn's ear.
"Really? Some hurt feelings, and this is what we're doing?" Hope asked, "It's no wonder I have to do everything myself."
"Sounds like this will be especially helpful for some of us." Emma commented, a hand on Hope's shoulder. "Now close your eyes. Focus on your breathing...and embrace the silence."
The doors to the gym suddenly burst open and Lizzie walked through. "Emma, could I borrow you for a sec?"
"We're in the middle of something." Emma responded. "So am I, and my thing doesn't include, like, Kum-Bah-Yah circle time." Lizzie told her.
Emma chuckled sarcastically. "Sit. You and your sister should have been here from the start. Again. Eyes closed. Focus on the silence."
Lizzie's chair scraped the ground loudly as she dragged it up to the group. "Thank you." Emma said.
Several minutes passed before Emma spoke again, "Eyes closed. Focus on the silence."
"Cessabit orbis." Emma held out her hand, "I've summoned a sphere. It represents your collective thoughts and emotions. Our goal is to keep it a calm green that represents serenity and peace of mind."
"I know you're just using me for cryptozoology homework." A girl said suddenly.
"Me? I know that you're the one talks behind my back." Another girl said as the sphere slowly turned red.
"Your negative thoughts are polluting the sphere, changing its color." Emma told them. "Focus, witches."
"I don't know what's worse, Hope stealing Landon's loser girlfriend, Evelyn not speaking to her so called girlfriend in weeks, or Lizzie getting dumped by Sebastian when she's the only girl he's met since 1509." Alyssa said crudely, the three girls she spoke about standing from their seats.
"At least I have a family, unlike you, orphan." Lizzie said back, Alyssa standing up and shooting a ball of fire at her. "Incendia." Evelyn shielded Lizzie and deflected the fire.