Chapter 1

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Ochaco Uraraka enjoyed reading, being raised within a poor family, not many entertainment options were available. Her parents would often read to her, stories of fantasy worlds beyond the stars, medieval times where kings and queens conquered countries. In a world with quirks, superheroes stories became reality, so old school comics no longer peaked anyone's interest when you can go outside and see heroes fly overhead. Romance took a special place in her heart, although no boys ever caught her eye. She loved how happy endings concluded the best stories, leaving herself to her imagination with the epilogue. Yet, with several hours of training done in preparation towards the UA entrance exam, jogging to pick up a few more books before heading home would complete her afternoon.

As she entered the library, she eagerly went towards the Romance novels in the Young Adult section. Taking in a deep breath, she runs her fingers on the spine of each book, taking note of several she have already read. The smell of an old book was never something she could quite explain, almost like a new car or a fresh pair of Jordans, it bought nostalgia and satisfaction to her heart.

"Let's see...He Said, She Said by Kwame Alexander, read that before, The Sun Is Also A Star, great novel, the writing and perspectives made that book amazing, so glad they translated that to Japanese. Haven't read"

Her trail of thoughts became very confused, as out of the corner of her eyes she noticed a young boy, around her age. His fluffy green hair laid atop a plain face, with a hoodie and sweatpants, yet that wasn't the issue. She hasn't seen him before, normally she could point out the regulars, from the small children looking at picture books to the tired businessman redoing his resume for the 5th time.

He didn't seem particularly interesting, across from a very blank expression. That's what she thought....

Until he started stripping.

She felt the heat rising to her face, jaw dropping at the sight of him. When he took off his hoodie, rather than a skinny body, his chest and abs were nearly chiseled. Multiple scars aligned his body. Then, he took off his sweatpants, with black briefs showing how...well-endowed he was. 

'Is this his quirk oh my god what is he doing??' It had to be his quirk, right? But how come she could see him? Alongside that, he didn't seem too invested in it. Like a mundane task, he waved his hands in front of others, siting in tables, and yet no one noticed or paid him any mind. He casually took a book out of someone's hand and placed it on the table, and watched as the person picked it back up with a confused expression.

"What's going on?" She whispered it under her breath, but her voice carried towards him. He glanced in her direction, and received a full look of his freckles and sparkly green eyes. He tilted his head, then walked over towards the brunette. Her blush came back tenfold, as he hovered over her in silence. She walked backwards until her back was against the bookshelf, while he placed his forearm above her head, looking down at her.

'What in the world is happening right now? Why is he still practically naked? He's too close!'

"I knew it, you can see me." For a moment, just one, Ochaco watched a glimmer of hope flicker in his eyes, only for his expression to go back to before. Like his eyes, his attitude became jaded, and backed away from me.

"Forget what you saw, it's not worth the effort. Enjoy your life." He began walking away, and Ochaco felt an urge she never felt before. Maybe it was the solemn expression he wore, the complete weird experience she just witnessed, but compulsively, she reached out and grabbed his wrist. A pink glow emitted from her fingertips, causing the boy's body to glow.

'That's...weird.' "Wait-" She felt her quirk activate, and the boy in underwear started to float. "Oops, sorry! Release!"
The boy came back down gently, smirking.

Floaty Girl Does Not Dream of Stripper Boy Where stories live. Discover now