Chapter 2

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Izuku use to love stories, learning about the dawn of heroes, with hopes and dreams of becoming one of the greatest. Happy endings for all, justice throughout the world, with peace reigning wherever he goes. His mother would often play with him, allowing his imagination to run wild with the different characters. He always wanted to be THAT guy, the hero, the savior, the main character.

How naive.

Life wasn't fair, and that's why he hated it. To be normal in a world where normal don't exist? He hated it, and the world hated him for it. Once he took that step off the bridge, he knew he was only a side character, the person who would die and be character development for someone more important.

And yet, he couldn't have that. He couldn't even be a step stool, a crutch for others to use and abuse.  The entire world ignored him, now his existence was...well, non-existence. He had accepted that, loneliness for the last 8 months felt natural. Whenever he was bored, he would just mess around with the people around him. His current life was the definition of consequence, so what else could change for him. He deserved this.

Then, a brunette girl, quite literally, swept him off his feet, and for the last several hours, he shared his story. It was relieving, but he knew the result. She would forget, she would move on. Her heart meant well, but he gave up hope long ago.

"I'm home!" Izuku glanced around the apartment, as he reluctantly took his shoes off. It didn't seem like much, barely manageable to live in. "I guess they aren't home yet, they may be working overtime. Well, make yourself at home."

She skipped down the hallway, as he noticed multiple photographs. Each one told a story, from who he assumed was her parent's wedding, to a baby Ochaco, to one with her in an astronaut costume. He couldn't help but think of how adorable she was.

"Deku, down here!" Her bubbly voice drew him towards a small room, that had a twin-sized bed, a nightstand with a lamp, a pink rug and a small bookshelf. The walls were empty, and both of them standing it the room made it immediately feel cramped.

"Sorry it's not a 5-star hotel, but I hope you feel comfortable!" She waited for a response, getting slightly worried about his silence. After scanning the room a couple more times, he sighed.

He flashed a grin in her direction. "Well, it's ten times better than a park bench. Thank you, Uraraka."

Once again, that smile made her heart flutter. It was intoxicating. "D-don't worry about it!" Suddenly, a growl erupted in the room. Izuku stifled a laugh, as Ochaco's cheeks turned red.

"Don't feel embarrassed, I'm just a guest. Go grab some food."

"Er, well about that..."

He titled his head quizzically, as she pointed her two index fingers together, pouting. "I don't...think we have any food..."

'Ah, I get it now.' From the small space, to the hardworking parents, he got the gist that they didn't have much.

"So not only did you open your home to a complete stranger that nobody knows, let alone a guy you saw naked earlier, you don't have any food. So what do you usually do?"

"I...just don't eat. It's actually very efficient in saving money, water and sleep makes up for it- where are you going?"

"To the store," as he walked back to the door to put his shoes on.

"Wait, I don't have any money!"

"I do."


"Don't worry about it, you're asking too many questions."

"Stop," she stepped in front of him and the door. "You can't leave without me anyways."

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