Chapter 5

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"Ah, first day of school, Uraraka?"

Hastily locking her door, she adjusted her backpack and waved to Mr. Enomoto. "Seems like you're running late, don't mind me. Just wanted to give a thank you for all the help lately, go out and be a hero!" The old man gave her a thumbs up, before continuing sweeping in front of his door. "I'll talk to you later!" She leapt down the stairs and jogged towards the train station.

Unbeknownst to the world, Izuku was grumbling loudly, a piece of toast hanging from his mouth while he ran beside her. After some quick shortcuts, they arrived at the train station on time. 15 minutes later, they ran towards the building.

"Think we'll get some answers today?" Ochaco shouted at him, swerving around students.

"Probably too soon, remember the rules we established beforehand, okay? We don't know what everyone can do here, so don't draw too much attention to yourself. Keep things simple and we should be fine."

Ochaco nodded, looking at the directory. Class 1-A, into the top class. She took some time to catch her breath, remember the hologram recording.

"With important passed!"

Ochaco exhaled, a nervous laugh that changed into an outstanding celebration. She was floating across her tiny room, something she hasn't done since she was a child. But her glee was justified, not only could she continue her goal, she has a better chance at helping her companion.

"Now, you're probably leaping about. You did fantastic, not only working fast, but once you were trapped, you never faltered and save yourself, proving that you won't be a liability.

"Young Uraraka, be proud, you have accomplished great things, and don't let anyone bring you down. Anybody can be a hero, and you proved that today!"

The Symbol of Peace let out a huge hearty laugh. "See you bright and early Monday morning! All Might is out!"

The video clip ended, with Ochaco dancing around. "Deku, isn't this great?" She stopped to look at her friend, noticing his lack of response. His eyes was...cold, distant. It was small, but she felt a wave of fear crash over her. His eyes told a different story, a different person. Like back in the nurse's office.

Izuku balled up his fist, before shaking his head. He grinned and spun Ochaco around, surprising her. He placed her down and smiled, "You deserve this, Uraraka."

That smile meant so much to her. It worried her, because...

She couldn't tell if it was genuine anymore.

'I feel like he's hiding something, but I don't know what.' She watched him out the side of her eye, as he evaluated the entire school. Observing, he took out his notebook and wrote down some stuff. Stuff that she wasn't privy to see. 'I need to respect his privacy, but I want him to know I'm here. Hopefully things go well.'

As the approached the classroom, arguing could be heard at the entrance. Izuku didn't really care until he stepped across that threshold.

"Bakugo Katsuki, please take your feet off the desk this instant!"

"Or else what, Four Eyes? You're going to snitch? I could care less." Other students were watching the spectacle, some waved to Uraraka, giving simple hellos. Izuku, on the other hand, wouldn't move.

Or rather, couldn't move. He couldn't breathe. He felt fear, anger, cowardice, homicidal, adjectives beyond his reach and vocabulary.

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