Chapter 6

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After weeks of working and using his days off to simply lounge in his bachelor apartment, Bellamy is forcefully taken from home on his day off when his younger sister comes back to town form her vacation. She calls and sets up a dinner, one in which is more than a normal reunion.  The dinner was not only with her  but her fiancé as well. Because its been so long since she's seen her brother, and Octavia was a wild spirited,  stubborn woman, Bellamy struggled to say no to, he agrees to meet them.  

Typically Bellamy would keep discussion of his work out of the question, but the utter exhaustion is much harder for him to hide than it is any other day. Octavia and Lincoln are late, per usual, but Bellamy expects nothing less from his sister who is always late to any meeting or get together. Immediately upon spotting her brother, Octavia squints as she takes her seat across from him, the wheels turning in her head. Without missing a beat she comments on his appearance, asking what was wrong. Bellamy looks down at his clothing and shakes his head, brushing off his sister's blunt question; however, she is still a Blake. And Blake's do not back down until they have the answers they seek.

Octavia continues to glance strangely towards her brother from when they are served their drinks up until the waitress leaves and puts in their dinner order. Lincoln sense her intentions, but even he couldn't stop her from going down a path she's already set on traveling down. The apologetic look is the only warning Bellamy gets before his sister starts her interrogation.

Bellamy keeps it simple, steering clear of specific details of his work. Octavia and Lincoln know he has a new position in the prison, but what they don't know is what. But no matter the fight, Octavia is persistent.   It takes more than a few difficult prisoners to make her older brother as exhausted as he looks. No amount of ironed clothing could hide just how tired and off put he truly was.

When the waitress returns with their food Bellamy takes a deep breath as he thinks over his words. It's not like it's classified what he does at work, there's no harm in telling his sister and her fiance. But there was no telling of the consequences of letting them know just how much he's kept from Pike either. But then again maybe Octavia or Lincoln could help, besides Lincoln works in law as well. His input could offer new insight on how to help Clarke and her case. With that thought in mind Bellamy leans back in his chair and looks to his sister.

"It's one of the prisoners."

"What about him?" She asks as she takes a bite of her burger. 

"Her, actually." Octavia raises a brow then and shares a look with Lincoln to her left. "She's done things, terrible, horrific things, or so she's being accused of." 

"Like what?" Lincoln asks this time, curious. 

"Fraud, possession of an illegal firearm, affiliation with multiple drug rings, alluding the police, and murder. They can't definitively prove how many people she killed but-" 

"I'm sorry, people? How many did she kill, Bell?" He looks between his sister and fiance and sighs. Given the extended pause Octavia reaches for another bite of her food.

"Allegedly... almost fifty." Octavia chokes on her bite and nearly spites it out before Lincoln helps her swallow it down. she shakes her head and messes with her ears before cocking her head to the side.

"Am I deaf or did you say fifty people!?" 


"Alleged my ass Bell! This woman sounds insane!" 

Bellamy quiets her and warns her to keep her voice low. Too many eyes were glancing their way, and with the sensitive subject topic, they couldn't let people get curious enough to listen in. Even with the subject not being top secret, the less people who knew, the better. It was bad enough Pike didn't know Clarke was talking again, let alone the information she's shared with him in trust about her past. But Bellamy was at a loss on how to move forward. Clarke was shutting down again and it was only a matter of time before something happened.

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