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Everyone was seated in their respective places  waiting for their father to arrive

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Everyone was seated in their respective places  waiting for their father to arrive.

" Hyung look Changmin brought his evil doll here . " Chanhee complained .

" But Chucky said he wanted to have dinner dinner with us . " Changmin answered .

" Pffft!!! Ops . Sorry for laughing Changmin-nie . But did the doll ... " Changmin interrupted Kevin . " His name is Chucky ."

" Yes . Did Chucky said it to you with his own mouth . " Kevin asked .

" Yep he did . He even likes his new hairstyle. Look . " Changmin held up his doll for everyone to look . Earlier he was carrying it like his baby .

" How cute !! " Juyeon exclaimed .

" See Juyeon also thinks so . " Changmin said . But Juyeon's comment was for Changmin . He finds his little brother's whole existent cute you know  .

" Yeah sure..." Kevin and Chanhee both looked at each other and rolled their eyes .

" Everyone please be quiet. Father must be coming soon . He will get mad if he sees you guys bickering. And Changmin give Chucky to the servant. He will take it to your room . " Sangyeon commanded .

" Okay Hyung . See you later my friend . " Changmin smiled and handed the doll over to a servant. And to be honest the servant was also sacred of the doll but what can he do its job to serve them . But seeing all of their handsome faces made him calm down.

" Your highness, the king of DeobiLand is arriving. " the servant announced. And all them stood up to bow to their father , the king .

" Everyone seat down . " Their father said with his loud and clear voice as he took his seat .

He was an old man with white hair and beard . But the wrinkles on his face couldn't hide his handsomeness . He was once called the handsomest man on the continent. Thus his sons beauties were not comparable with others . They were all like Greek Gods descended from the Olympus. Quite an eye feast for others to look at when they are together.

They had made the whole dinning room shine with their presence alone .

" So how are you all doing ? " the king said . Hearing this Hyunjae left a quiet chuckle, laughing at his father's pretence to care about them . Seeing hyunjae acting like this Jacob gave him a glare .

" We are all doing great father . " Sangyeon answered behalf of his brothers .

" And you Haknyeon ? Do you need more books in your library? Tell me if you need more . I will arrange it . " the king asked .

This made Sunwoo quite angry. He kept treating his other sons differently . " The rumours might have been true that Haknyeon was the only lovechild between our father and his commoner mother . When we were just born from the political marriages . "   Sunwoo thought to himself. But at least their father does think and care about one of them  , even if its not him . This made his mind somewhat peaceful that all of them were not ignored.

" No father . Its okay . " Haknyeon said . He felt somehow out off place being asked this question.

" Good . And Kevin I heard your art woks are getting praises from other kingdoms . Make a marvelous one . I want to send it to the BTS empire. We need make our relationship with them even more stronger than before . " the king stated .

" Yes I will father . " Kevin agreed even though he knew their father was only thinking about the political relationships . He wasn't truly appreciating his talents.

" Now start eating  . " the king commanded .


" I am now leaving . Eat well . " and the king , their father left the dinning hall . It was very suffocating to eat in the presence of their father . But after he left they all felt relieved and could eat all they wanted .

" Hyunjae you should control yourself in front of father . " Sangyeon said even though he ignored Hyunjae's behaviour in front of their father .

" But its hard knowing how he really is . He doesn't care about us at all . He didn't even come to visit when Hyunjun was dying . " Hyunjae raised his voice .

" You should stop now Hyunjae . " Jacob gave him the eyes . He had seen how miserable Sangyeon was a while ago. Sangyeon still blames himself for Hyunjun's death . So mentioning him isn't a good idea .

Hyunjae thought Sangyeon might angry and scold him . But he stayed silent. Like Sangyeon was wearing a blank expression on his face , unable to feel human emotions. This again made the atmosphere uncomfortable. They all could feel it .

AUTHORS NOTE : Oh well . I might start updating this time of the day cuz I am always late these days .

But have you guys watched Hyunjun's " LET ME DROWN " M/V ?

Its so good . Stream it guys !!! <333



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