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It was quite early in the morning . Jacob had some things to discuss about the church with his father , the king . But he was not present in the audience hall of the palace . And it was strange . Their father had never been absent in the morning . They have always seen their father sitting on his throne . Jacob could not believe that today was an exception .

 At the last he decided to visit his father's room .

Their father didn't like to have guards outside his room . And as a king of a kingdom Jacob could not justify his father's behavior at all ." No none will be able to harm his father , the king. Their palace security is very good and father is not weak . " Jacob thought in his mind .But decided not to think more about it , he needed to get his work done .

But decided not to think more about it , he needed to get his work done

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Jacob knocked on his father's room's door .

Knock knock

" Father can I come in ? I need to discuss some issues about the church with you ."

Knock Knock

" Father ? "

But their father didn't answer Jacob's calling . It didn't feel right to him . So he decided to open the door to his father's room without his permission .

"Father forgive me but I am coming in . FATHER !!! " Jacob run towards his father . The white bed sheets of his father's bed had dark red spots all over . It was blood . It was his father's blood on it . And on the edge of the bed his father , the king was sitting . Holding his sword in one hand and the other one one stomach , trying to minimize the bleeding that has been caused by a sharp object. Maybe a sword or a dagger or even a knife . Jacob didn't know it .

" F-father... " Jacob's voice was shaking .

" Who did this to you? " He asked his father .

" That bastard over there . '' His father , the king answered , looking at a part of the floor . He was pointing at the person's body at the floor with his eyes. It was probably the assassin that was sent to kill the king . Jacob didn't notice the body when he entered  because of the darkness brought by the closed curtains of the room . But he did now .

" I guess I have gotten old .Hah... I got hurt . " Their father laughed which made him cough blood . His internal organs were very messed up at this point .

" Father let me get the doctor . " Jacob tried to leave but his father held his hand that made him stop .

 "No It's too late... I need you to tell Haknyeon something on behalf of me . He needs to know..." the king said to Jacob .

" But father...."

" Shush... I know when its too late . You just need to tell Haknyeon what I am about to tell you ."

" Yes father..."

" His mother was not a commoner.....*cough cough '' Blood dripping from his mouth .

" What do you mean by that father ? " 

" His mother was the only daughter of the grand duke of haterz kingdom , M.s. Nake . We fell in love when I went there for a peace treaty . But her father didn't approve of our relationship and she was already pregnant with Haknyeon . And at last her father stripped her of the position of the princesses of Haterz kingdom to a commoner.... "

" Why didn't you tell Haknyeon about it ? You know how he feels distant with us because of his mother's status ? Why father ? Just why ?"

" His grandfather didn't want Haknyeon's name associated with him . Otherwise he would have killed him at his birth . And I couldn't let that happen to our child...*cough cough"

" Tell me you will protect him..." His father , the king said .

" Of course I will father . He is my brother . We all will . " Jacob tried to reassure his father .

" Don't let *cough cough " His condition was getting worse . Like he would die at any moment now .

" What father? " Jacob held his father's hand tightly.

" Don't let Haknyeon's romantic relationship with prince Wooyoung be found out except your brothers . Protect him at all cost ." Their father , the king sated .

Hearing this Jacob felt like someone took the ground off his feet . He was so shocked that his legs turned jelly , he could not stand still . He had to support himself by holding on a nearby furniture. He could not believe what he had just heard from his father's mouth .

 " Haknyeon in a relationship with a boy . NO IT CAN'T BE TRUE . My little brother would not do this . HE CAN'T DO THIS !! It is a sin . No we have to do something . Why didn't father take any actions when he learned about  it . Haknyeon needs to taught  right . " Jacob's mind was a mess thinking about it .

" FATHER WHY DIDN'T YOU EDUCATE HIM AFTER LEARNING ABOUT IT ???"Jacob shouted for the first time in his life and it was at  his father . He has never been so angry before. What Haknyeon was doing was not acceptable by his believe.

" Just please protect him....*cough " His father answered. He was still coughing blood .

" Then make me the king." Jacob said . After thinking about it a lot he decided to take the matter into his own hands . He had to make things right . He had to .

" Okay I will do it.... I will make you the king . Give me a pen and paper ." His father replied Jacob .

 The king was now writing his will even though he was in so much pain writing it . But he had to do it in order to protect Haknyeon .

" Here take this  and protect him..." His father , the king took his last breath . Now in front of Jacob there was the lifeless body of his father laying . Who was once the king of this kingdom .

" I knew you didn't care about us but at least you loved Haknyeon . Rest well father..." Jacob said closing his father's eyes shut .

AUTHORS NOTE : I know this chapter was a bit overwhelming . i mean way too much .

But I am not sorry cuz I made you guys feel emotions with my writing. And if you didn't feel anything then :)


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