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" Hah finally done ! " 10 year old Chanhee brushed off the dust from his cute little hands cause he just might have just buried his twin Changmin's favourite doll in royal garden .

Chanhee got fed up by the doll so much that he made the decision to get rid of it whole without Changmin knowing about it at all . " That psycho Changmin and his obsession with haunted dolls . Can't believe that guy is my twin really!! hah! What the fuck does he sees in those things ? " And he went to take a shower because digging a hole and burying the doll "alone" really made Chanhee's pretty cloths dirty and he loathes dirtying things to its core . He likes to stay clean and pretty all the time you see.

On the other hand Changmin was practically destroying everything not finding his doll at its place . After a few moments later Changmin flung open the door to their room while Chanhee was still changing his clothes. " YAHHH! YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOCKED FIRST ! I AM CHANGING CAN'T YOU SEE ! " Chanhee yelled at him while hiding himself with a towel . Even though it was his twin who saw him naked not someone other .They had seen each other naked since birth .

" Where's Anna ? " Changmin furiously asked .

" Dunno . " Chanhee nonchalantly answered .He had finished changing his clothes in that moment .

" I know you hid him heehee . Now tell me where is it ? "

" I DON'T KNOW ! And stop calling me that nickname !!! I don't like it!! "

" I saw you coming out of the royal garden with dirt all over your cloths heehee . And I know for a matter of fact that you hate dirtying yourself . "

" Oh shit! " Chanhee breathed under . He had been found out and all that was going through his head was how to survive now .

" YAHHH! I HEARD IT !!! " But Changmin heard him and sprint towards Chanhee while bearing his teeth like a wild cat .

" AHHHH!!! " Chanhee run outside screaming . It was his only chance to outrun Changmin in that short moment because he was not athletic like his twin . He only knew how to add and subtract in mathematics .

But when Chanhee saw 8 year old Eric in the hallway coming towards him like a happy little kid he was , not knowing anything , Chanhee threw him towards Changmin to slow him down . In his mind Eric was the great sacrifice he made for his own survival . " Sorry little brother . " Chanhee said looking back at Eric .

Chanhee could hear Eric screaming his lungs out while he run faster than ever leaving him behind to Changmin. " AHHH!! THIS HYUNG HAS GONE CRAZY !!! AHHHHH!!! DON'T COME HERE !! DON'T COME HERE !! AHhhh.......!!! " Eric's voice faded away in the background .

Upon hearing all this commotions , 11 year old Juyeon came running while Changmin was now trying to bite the hell out of Eric .

" HYUNG!!! " Eric cried out for help while barely escaped Changmin's grip of him and hid behind Juyeon .

" What's happeni- " But before Juyeon could finish his sentence Changmin had already shifted his target to Juyeon and in a single jump he bit Juyeon on the arm . And Juyeon just stood there in shock but surprisingly though he let Changmin bit him until he calm down .


" Why the heck did you just stood there and let changmin bit you Juyeon-ah ? " Chanhee asked crossing his arms . Juyeon was getting treated by the royal physician because of the aftermath of Changmin biting him was quite damn serious.

" Minnie was cute ." Juyeon looked at the little Changmin cuddling his (still dirty) favorite doll Anna that was dug out by the servants after Chanhee finally told it's location .

" What the fuck!" Chanhee blurted out in shock . Which was meant to be not heard by anyone else but he might have just said it out a bit too loud because everyone in the room heard him .

" CHANHEE SAID A BAD WORD !! " Changmin shouted looking at butler C.L. hoping Chanhee to get in trouble .

" PRINCE!! " And oh boy Chanhee did get in trouble because of it .

And after that it known as the " Vampire squirrel incident " among their brothers .

All though it was more like a wild cat running around biting everyone but because Changmin was like a squirrel when eating that's why their brothers called it the "Vampire squirrel incident" also a trauma for Eric .

AUTHORS NOTE : did I just come back from dead to post this when I told you guys it will be soon ?

Umm then yes I did :)


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