chapter 6

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Camilo's POV:

I wake up after a long nap that really helped me calm myself

I looked to where Y/n is on the floor, they're still asleep, peacefully.

I felt bad that they slept on the floor, but while they continue to rest ill put them on my bed

I lifted Y/n up and gently placed them on my bed. I'm not sure to do while they sleep.

I couldn't help but look at their sleeping features

They look so calm and and rest. So beautiful and amazing. It makes sense why I fell for them

They must've sensed that they were on a bed now, because they started cuddling with my pillow as soon as the felt their head land onto it

Their arms wrapped around my pillow, I never knew I would get so jealous over a pillow.

I gently placed a kiss on their forehead careful not to wake them up and walked out of my room to go get a glass of water for them for when they wake up.

Your POV:

I felt something on the top of my forehead, it felt like...a pair of lips?

In slightly open my eyes to see Camilo walking out the room, unsure of what to do, I say up to stretched to wake myself up from the dreams that I've had.

I rubbed my eyes to wake them up too, my body may be awake but my eyes aren't

I then realized that im sitting on something soft, and not hard. What happened to the floor?

I see that im now on a bed, a very nice one at that

I layed back down so the bed can take over me once more, that was until I heard something open

"Good morning Mariposa, sleep well?"
Camilo walks in with a glass of water in his hand

"I did, and where did you get this bed? It's so nice..." I started to get sleepy again but tried not to go into my restful state again

"It came with the room when I got my door, it's pretty nice huh?" He laughed as he sat down on the bed placing the water down

"Yeah, I can sleep in this forever" I was about to give up trying not to sleep again and just let the bed sink me in to a slumber

That was until Camilo decided to hit me with a pillow

"You wanna play like that? You're on!" I grabbed a pillow and shoved it to his face
Feathers, everywhere! Me and Camilo were sitting on the floor as I helped him get feathers out of his curly hair

"Next time, tie up your hair so it's easier  to remove the feathers" I sighed it's been 10 minutes since I've taken out the first feather and they don't wanna leave his hair

"Heh, sorry Mariposa, guess I got ahead of myself" he chuckled a bit

"And...there!" I rub his head after I took off the last feather

"Thank you, Now to clean up the room...we can do that later" he took my hand a we walked out the room to get some fresh air.

But instead of fresh air we got singing

"A hurricane of jacarandas!
Strangling figs!
Hanging vines!"

We were still on the second floor when we heard this just outside Camilo's room

I look around and see a whole new level of plants

"Palma de Cera fills the air as I climb
And I push through
What else, what else?"

Happier (Camilo x Reader)  [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now