chapter 10

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I woke up before Camilo did, he must be really tired if he is still asleep

I carefully got out of bed and gave him a peck on the cheek before I went out to help Dolores and Mirabel with breakfast

But before I went down stairs I bumped into Bruno "Good morning Bruno!"

"Ah! Good morning y/n." He awkwardly waved at me

"I have a question, while the family was singing about how they can't talk about you, Camilo gave a very odd description of you. " I walked up to him almost the same height as him

"What was the description?"

"7 foot frame, rats on your back, calls your name it all fades to black...and, sees your dreams and feast on your screams... I mean no Offence but your pretty short" I said while placing my hand on his head

"Ah i think I know why..."

Flash back: Camilo 10 years ago. His POV

I woke up ready to get my daily midnight snack. My favorite cookies!

I carefully opened my door trying not to wake anyone up, especially my sister, because she's a snitch!

I tipped toed down the stairs the casita helping me a bit along the way by letting me slide down the stairs instead

It was a rainy night tonight, but that's okay! That didn't stop me from being a ninja! Top secret mission! Objective; steal the cookies

I turn to the kitchen and hear... Crunching?

I look into the darkness and at the right moment the lighting decides to help me see who it is!

But... It was a monster! A Bruno monster!

I saw his tall figure right in front of me, munching on something

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs

"Camilo!" He yelled my name

Suddenly I felt dizzy and the world went dark...

Present: Your POV

That makes a whole lot more sense

I chuckled, it matched his description perfectly! I can 100% see Camilo being scared because Bruno ate his cookies...

"Ha! Thanks for telling me! I'm so gonna tease him about this!" I patted Bruno's back

"Anytime!" He said as he went upstairs to wake up the rest of his familia
Camilo POV:

Mariposa would not stop teasing me all day! Okay, I fainted because I saw Bruno. So what?! I was 5!

"Does this cookie bring back memories?" They waved a cookie at my face

"Mariposa, I absolutely love you! But please stop waving that cookie around in my face!" I said while I snatched the cookie from them and gave it to the rats

"Hahaha, okay okay I'll stop..." They say down next to me

We were outside on the bridge (the one Luisa placed down in the beginning of the movie) looking over the water as it flowed down the stream

I placed my arm around their waist and pulled them closer to me, I wanted attention

"*sigh*" I sighed so that they can ask what was wrong... Didn't seem to work

"*Sighh*" I sighed again but with more projection. I will get their attention, I won't give up

"*SIGH*" I sighed even louder but they seem to be looking at the fishes swimming around

"SIGH I'M SIGHING PAY ATTENTION TO ME!" That seemed to get their attention

But not the good one

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me  Mister, unless you want to join your Abuelo Pedro. Talk to me correctly..." They gave off this sinister look, man if looks can kill I'd be dead!

"Yes! I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" I apologized quickly scared of what they might do if I talked back

"... Good!" They were back in their cheerful mood again and held my hand
"So what is it that you want?"

... Well that was fast

"Just your attention" I placed my head on theirs

"Well, you have it now" They beamed like the sun while looking at me

Fucckkkdksksnsns why are they so cute! Amazing and Gorgeous in every way

"Well... I had an idea" I lifted my head off of theirs

"What is it?" They asked

"Well my Tio Bruno is back now... Soooo what if we ask him about our future together?"

Sorry to leave you off with a cliff hanger! I'll try to update in the next 3 days! Thanks again for reading!

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