chapter 9

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We ended up not making the cake. I mean, we couldn't. The flour was all gone thanks to a certain someone...

We both took a SEPERATE shower to get rid of all the flour that was on us, Pepa was still mad at Camilo but she treated me like I was some kind of angel

I was done with my shower first so I decided to wait for Camilo to get out, while I was doing that I was looking outside where the sun was setting

I wish this day would last longer. I sighed and continued to stare at the kids running around

"Staring isn't nice Mariposa"

I jolt from my seat and fell down onto the floor. Sheesh at least give a warning!

"Camilo! You scared me"

"Haha! I can see that! Sorry Mariposa"

He handed out his hand so that he can pick me up from the floor. I took his hand and he lifted me up

I looked at his hair which still had some water in it causing it to droop down

It was kinda cute

"You're always staring at me, I guess I doubted my looks! Because if another gorgeous person is staring at me that must also mean I'm gorgeous!"

"Oh trust me n/n you are always gorgeous, in more ways than one" I tell him while ruffling his hair

"Thank you Mariposa I could day the same thing for you" he said while giving me a kiss on my forehead

"Hey! You haven't seen your Tio in a long time! Let's go and say hi!" I say while I grab his arm to go to Bruno's room

"Tio Bruno? Im sure he doesn't want to see me" he says while nervously giggling

"Nonsense! He's your Tio! Of course he would want to see you!" I barged open  Bruno's door "Bruno! Your nephew is here to see you!"

"Camilo? I haven't seen him since he was 5!"

Camilo kept looking at him examining his features "your not 7 feet! Your like 2 inches taller than me! And I'm 5'6! And the rats? They look like they run around your hair all day!"

I hit Camilo in his arm "Camilo! Seriously? Im so sorry Bruno!"


"It's no problem, he saw me when he was younger so he didn't get to age with me properly"

"And... I don't see your dreams or feast on people's dreams..." He said while looking at camilo dead in the eyes

"I was just singing what the rumors said" Camilo looked back at him

They ended up having a staring contest for a good 3 minutes, what was I doing? Watching Telanovelas, I had no idea she was his aunt! Oh forbidden love! Unless your in Alabama

"Ha! I win!" Camilo pointed at Bruno's face in victory

"Camilo shh! I'm watching Telanovelas!" I say while looking at the rats perform

"Oh yeah! This is the part where you find out she's actually his aunt" Bruno comes and sits next to me

"WHAT? I DIDN'T GET TO THAT PART YET!" Camilo screamed at Bruno for spoiling it

"BRUNO I DIDN'T GET TO THAT PART EITHER!" Dolores came busting down the door

"How did you get in here?!"

"It's called using force!" Dolores said while pointing at Luisa who also seemed mad

"She wasn't done watching it either!" Dolores pointed at Luisa

"I'm sorry! I didn't know! Y/n save me!" He said while hiding behind me

"What? Dude your like 50 years old! Your supposed to be the one saving me!" I pushed him in front of me

Bruno ended up laying on the floor with his rats throwing a funeral for him... RIP Bruno, you will be missed

"Think you guys took it to far" Isabela was now in the room growing flowers all around for the funeral

"... Yup" I said while glaring at Camilo

"He had it coming" He shrugged
It was now night time and I was laying down rethinking all of the things that happened today. I knew that living with the Madrigals was never gonna get boring

I heard 4 knocks on the door, the only person who does 4 knocks is Camilo

"Come in"

He walks in and sits down on my bed
"Today was quite a day"

"Yeah, but it was fun"

"I'm glad you think so Mariposa"

He layed down next to me, at this point I was so worn out, I honestly did mind. I held his hand and already felt all of my worries slip out from me

"I hope you know how much I love you"

"Of course I know how much you love me, I love you a lot too" I tell him while hugging him

I think he started to wonder if I really did love him

"I'm so glad I met you, if I hadn't, then id probably be with some old man helping him with his kids" I giggled

He turned to me and started to cuddle next to me, like a cat

"Goodnight Mariposa"

"Goodnight Mi Amor"


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