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[A/N: hey everyone, here's a cute strismas idea I had written a while ago but wanted to finish posting my 'Survive' parts first! Enjoy xx
- Kate 💜🔥 Happy New Year ]


To celebrate the team's year together, they had gathered at Luca and Street's place two nights before their Christmas weekend break.

It had been so long since they were able to spend time outside of work together, at least for a happier occasion.

After a well cooked BBQ by Luca, and sharing a few beers together, the team sat around the picnic table in the front patio, laughing at the teasing between Tan and Street, bringing up the fact that Tan had asked for advice about Bonnie.

"Look, I was having a hard time figuring out what happened, I didn't do anything wrong", Tan stated.

"You were talking to another woman in front of her, about how much you had in common", Street said with a grin, "and didn't we also hear you say that your mother would be so happy to hear about her?", Street then laughed.

Tan grimaced at hearing Street's retelling, "that's not exactly what I said", he shook his head.

"Is that not what he said, Chris? You were there too", Street asked, turning to Chris to have her back him up in their banter.

Chris turned her head to Street who was sat next to her, his eyes were lit in humour, then to Tan across the table and placed her hands up in innocence, "woah, I don't want any part of this, I just suggested you talk to her, like an adult".

Amongst Hondo and Luca's chorus of "oooohs" at Chris' comment, Street looked back to her, his tongue in cheek, stopping himself from letting his next comment out.

She caught his smirk aimed at her, she knew he was holding back some remark toward her that was definitely not meant for the others ears.

With the tension between them building after a few moments, and Tan's raised eyebrows at their small flirty staring contest, Chris stood up and announced she was heading inside to find their gifts.

Tan definitely noticed their little moment and it wasn't helping his growing suspicions that they were getting very close lately.

As she reached the door, Hondo and Luca returned to cleaning up the remainder of the BBQ, Street stood up also and suggested that he would help her, following her inside.

Tan was still shaking his head at their ridiculous interpretation of his situation with Bonnie.

Deacon who was sat directly next to Tan, leant forward in more of a hushed tone as the others were at the BBQ and Chris and Street had returned inside, "So you took relationship advice..from the two single kids who have never had a lasting long term relationship?", he laughed.

Tan scoffed, at the time he didn't think it was so ridiculous to ask them but while he had Deacon's attention he thought he might run something by him. "See that's the thing..." he leant in closer, "I don't think they are single".

Deacon's eyebrows screwed up at his accusation, "what, you think they're both seeing people we don't know about?", turning his eyes to the door they had both just entered, the Christmas lights that hung from the entry were still swinging slightly.

Tan shook his head again, looking to the door then back to Deacon.

"No, I think they're seeing each other".


Walking through Luca and Street's front door, Chris was trying to calm her blushing cheeks, it was getting too warm outside, even with the cold breeze settled in.

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