'Priorities' - [Part 2]

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[A/N: Hi! Here's part 2! I had it already written so a quick update! Enjoy 😬😂🔥
- Kate 💜 ]


Street and Luca managed to complete the whole set within two and half hours, a small beer break in between, but still finished in a time that even surprised them.

"We did good, man!", Luca hollered to Street as they stood back and marvelled at their handiwork , "We didn't need Chris, after all", Luca laughed.

Street forced a tight lipped smile toward his friend, "guess not", he agreed patting Luca on his back as he manoeuvred himself around their newest addition, his mind wanting to think of anything but her right now.

"What time did you invite the neighbours over for?, Street questioned as he headed for the door to head inside.

"Uhh, I told them six! You're okay that I invited them around?", Luca queried him.

Street nodded his answer, opening the door to return inside, "yeah, all good man, that gives us an hour, I'll start getting the food prepped, if you want to clean up out here?".

"Can do, bro", Luca answered as the door shut and separated them to start their tasks.

- two hours later -

"You must work crazy long hours, my husband and I try to close up shop as soon as it hits four o'clock most days while we're organising the finishing touches", Evelyn laughed, listening intently to Luca talk about how unpredictable their shifts can be working as LAPD SWAT officers.

Evelyn, an older woman who had recently brought a local bakery with her husband, Jack, was one of Luca and Street's new neighbours. Their daughter, Isla, who was only a few years younger than Street, had made the trip down to help her parents with the grand opening and had accompanied her mother to their new neighbours invitation. Evelyn had told them that Jack's pal's had surprised him with a last minute fishing trip before the chaos of their new store settled in, otherwise he would have loved to join them.

"Yeah, some days can be longer than others, but we love our jobs and helping people so it really doesn't affect us too much. Alright, foods ready!", Luca answered, ensuring the grill was no longer lit, and brought the plate of food to their brand new dining set.

"We will have to stop in on opening day, Luca, and grab a bite to eat, what do you think?", Street offered, smiling genuinely at the two women sat opposite him.

"Absolutely, we'd love to support you guys! We'll drop in with the whole team!", Luca suggested.

Isla looked to her mother and said, "Well, I don't think I'll have a problem leaving you and Dad here when I return home...I believe you'll be in good hands", the brunette declared, then moving her eyes between the two officers, her eyes lingering for a moment longer on the younger smiling man.

Their heads turned collectively as they heard the latch on the side gate opening and closing, as Chris entered, surprising them.

"Hope I didn't miss dinner? I'm starving!", she smiled shyly.

Chris had taken a little longer to deal with the K9 issue, the family she visited had a whole list of queries for her to answer when she arrived. She had felt so guilty the entire time, leaving Street and Luca after promising to help them, and especially after her conversation with Street.

She didn't want to hurt him, all she wanted to do was love him like he deserved, but their situation meant she could only love him from afar.

Street was kind of hoping she was going to remain held up with whoever she was helping and miss out on their planned dinner, so he didn't have to pretend he wasn't hurting around her. It was really eating him up inside.

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