Chapter 4

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Christmas Eve

It's been a couple of days and well...well the messages haven't stopped

Nako is getting fed up and annoyed this person just keeps saying the same thing

'I know your secret'

Nothing else and it's in Nako's words

'Annoying as hell like a when a lover of someone is Flirting with someone else'

As you can see Nako is also annoyed with the way Hitomi flirts with Chaewon

How about Nako flirting with Minju?

Well Nako decided not to do it since she was to fed up with the text messages and Hitomi Flirting with Chaewon

So Nako had a lot on her mind as you can see

Nako Pov

Being Christmas Eve we were live once again

What was I doing? Staring at Hitomi Flirting with Chaewon who was Flirting back

Ugh this is annoying

I look back at my phone as I see the comments


No 2kim and Hiinak are dumbass
No calm down Nako they are a Wiz*ONE

'Ok why are ssambang acting like this suddenly? More importantly why Nako look jealous~'

I look up at the camera and then look at my phone again

'Hitomi be a darling and PLEASE give me Hiinak content'

I smile and look at the camera and wink

'Holy shit that looked cute yet hot?"
'Sakura could never...I don't mean it rudely'

I tried to hold my laugh at the last one and that's a hard TRY

Bur one comment pops up that sends chills down my spine

'I know your secret...Nako'

I go quite and Yujin notices

"Unnie you okay?"

I look at her and smile

"I'm okay Yujin"

She nods and goes back to talking with Wonyoung

Who the fuck is this?

'You look so it because of me?'

I look at the other members

I lean over to Yujin

"Yuj,do I look scared?" I whisper

She looks at me and nods

"To me you do unnie but that's because I know you" She responds

I look at her confused "What do you mean?"

"I mean if a person didn't know you well enough they wouldn't be able to tell"

She then points to my phone

"See no one has noticed"

I looked down and indeed no one But that person has noticed

I look for the person and my blood runs cold at what I see

'Oh you must have realized, see you'

I pray to God that it's Hitomi playing with me but when I look up she's looking at me with fear in her eyes

I hear my phone go off

It's a screen shot from Hitomi's texts with someone

           Unknown Number

:I'll get what's mine back, Count your days with Nako cause soon she'll be mine again

I look up and I know we are thinking the same thing

He's back

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