Chapter 11

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It had been a couple of months since it came out that Minju and Chaewon were dating.

Everything was calm, other than the fact that Akihiko hadn't been caught yet.

Everything was calm in dorm 2...but dorm 1? Yeah it's never calm


Yujin shouted while chasing Yena about there dorm

Yena stuck out her tongue

"Come and get it, Ahn Yujin!"

Yujin stood there and stomped her feet like a kid


Yena laughed and shook her head


Chaewon came suddenly and snatched the strawberry pocky from Yena's hands

"Its mine now losers!"

Chaewon runs but then bumps into someone

She backs away still not realizing who it was

"Oooo someone in trouble"

Chaewon glances back at Yujin and Yena who are now laughing

She rolls her eyes and glances at the person she bumped into

That's when Chaewon knew she was in trouble

There stood a mad Kim Minju with water all over her

Yujin approaches Chaewon and snatches the pocky

"I'll take that, good luck"

Chaewon gulps and avoids eye contact with Minju

"You're not supposed to be running in the dorm"

Chaewon nods

"Y-Yeah b-but Hyewon Unnie and Eunbi Unnie aren't here"

"That dosent mean you can run around the dorm, because you were running,I'm soaked"

"I-its not that bad"

Minju glared at Chaewon

"I-i m-mean.....I should stay quite"

"You really should"

Minju mumbles

Minju walks to her room, annoyed with her girlfriend

"Baby I'm sorry!"

Chaewon goes after Minju

Yujin and Yena decided to just share the pocky

But how about dorm 2

Wonyoung was just watching TV with Nako

Hitomi is....who knows

Yuri was just in her room sleeping

Chaeyeon had gone to get some food

And Sakura was playing games in her room

So like I said they were all super duper cal-


Wonyoung and Nako glare at Yena who came in to their dorm with Yujin

"Shush!! We're watching a show Unnie"

Wonyoung mumbles as she starts watching the show again

"Pfft ya'll are so boring were is Yul?"

"Our room"

Nako says waving her off

Yujin sits next to Wonyoung

"What are you guys watching?"

"Bring it on Ghost"

Wonyoung answers

"Bring it on what?"

"Ghost! It's a great show"

Nako says

"What is it about?"

"We are rewatching it and we are on the first episode so just watch it, Unnie"

Yujin nods and watches the show with them on Viki (Fuck you Netflix for taking off such an amazing show)

Eventuality Nako decideds to go to Hitomi's room

She leaves Yujin and Wonyoung watching the show and walks to the room

She opens the door and walks over to the bed and lays down

"I miss you Hii-chan"

Nako mutters and hugs the pillow

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