Chapter 5

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No Pov

Nako runs her hand through her  hair,pacing back and forth in Hitomi's room as Hitomi sat on her bed staring at her

"Nako calm down" Hitomi calmly says

Nako stares at her "Calm down? Ha, Hitomi how the fuck am I supposed to calm down"
Nako respondes clearly pissed

Hitomi stands up and brings Nako close to her

Nako immediately leans in to the familiar comforting touch

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to get mad at you" Nako mumbles now mad that she dared to get mad at her girlfriend

"Its fine Nako I know your stressed but calm down love"

Nako winces at the pet name as it just reminds her of the problem

Akihiko Yokoyama


Akihiko Yokoyama kind of Nako's Ex-boyfriend

Akihiko Yokoyama was the perfect guy everyone wanted him.
He was a top model,actor and singer in Japan.

He had met Nako threw a show in which they both stared in as kids and they instantly clicked, they were Bestfriends.

Akihiko came from a rich family,was attractive, and had an amazing personality and Nako made the foolish decision of falling for him.

Well of all the people that liked Akihiko only one person stood out,Nako.

Nako and Akihiko started dating as teenagers and there relationship was perfect but then they met eachothers families.

Nako regretted that, there relationship went south after that and Nako started to lose feelings fast.

She tried to break things off with Akihiko but he kept saying to just let him make things right but no matter what he did it wouldn't work. Nako no longer liked him.

Nako didn't want to hurt him but he wouldn't get the message.

Her parents said that Akihiko was the best person for her. Akihiko's parents tried to pay her to stay.

She stayed and the relationship which became extremely toxic but she still constantly tried to brake It off but she gave up.
Nako didn't have a reason to break things off with him anymore. He was happy but she wasn't.

Then Produce 48 happened. Nako saw it as a chance to run from  Akihiko and their problems.

But then Nako met Hitomi.

Nako didn't fall immediately but she did find Hitomi adorable and attractive.

The talked and quickly became friends although they were polar opposites.

Soon she found herself falling hard.
And well Nako ended up confessing to Hitomi about Akihiko and the real reason she went to Korea and Hitomi helped her.

Nako was finally able to break things off with Akihiko.

Akihiko was angry he had given everything for Nako but at the same time he gave nothing.

Akihiko was there physically but never emotionally and mentally.
As soon as they had started dating he no longer was there.

Anyways Nako and Hitomi started dating when they went back to Japan to get there stuff.

Nako had been scared. She was scared that Hitomi her new Bestfriend would start changing as soon as they dated just like Akihiko.

But...Hitomi didn't if anything she showed more of her clingy side and Nako found her self falling deeper and deeper.

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