Chapter 15

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"Okay so what happened?"

All the 6 girls stay quite as they look at the CEO "Lee? It started with you, what happened?we already have police searching the premises is more of I need to know what happened"

Hyunseo takes a deep breath before explaining "I was doing my homework I'm the living room when I saw a flash come from the balcony I turned that way when another flash appeared, this time i saw man standing there looking inside, I looked back to my homework and he eventually walked away towards the window in her room, I told Gaeul unnie and she told me to alert Yujin unnie and Wonyoung unnie and that she would call the staff, and then like 20 minutes later he disappeared and then the window thing happened"

The CEO of Starship Entertainment nods "Wonyoung,Yujin you think this may be the same guy that's been terrorizing IZ*ONE?"

Both girls nod "Ok but how did he figure out where you guys were?"

"I don't know sir" Yujin answers

The CEO sighs "Dear lord, I'll contact all of their companies, but please I'm begging you, be careful, Gaeul,Rei,Jiwon,Hyunseo you too, we don't know who he'll target let's hope you guys aren't roped up into this mess too much, well have security guards around yall at all times, you guys are dismissed"

All the girls stand up "Oh and girls, I know I don't have to say this but no word to the media about this"

All the girls nod and walk out

"Okay what the hell is going on?" Gaeul whispers at Wonyoung and Yujin

Yujin bit her lip and glanced at the older girl "Let's get to the Hotel first,k?"

The 4 girls sigh but nod "I wanna go home"

Yujin and Wonyoung's hearts broke when they heard the young girl mumble this

Hyunseo is only 14 years old and they had put her in a situation that could cause her own life, as they have now realized what extent Akihiko is willing to go to

"Its gonna be fine Hyunseo, it's not like he'll hurt us" Wonyoung says optimistically

Hyunseo smiles and nods but all of them could tell

She dosent believe her

At the hotel

"Okay now?" Rei asks as she looks at the two girls

"Rei there's nothing much to say that you don't already know" Yujin says

"Let's start with why is your members ex coming back after two years" Gauel asks

"We can't answer that cause we don't know, they didn't tell us, as much as I'm aware the only people that know exactly what's going is the Jline,Chaeyeon unnie, Yuri Unnie, and Eunbi unnie, maybe Hyewon unnie" Wonyoung responds

"Damn it, but how did he find out where you guys are....." Jiwon stops mid sentence when she realizes something

"Do you think there's someone telling him everything?" Jiwon suddenly whispers

"What?" Wonyoung asks confused

"Think about it, Nako-ssi had to have changed her number since then correct?"


"He never had Hitomi-ssi's number"


"And he suddenly gets all of that plus pictures,video files,voice recordings, addresses,etc."


"And his a very powerful man"


Hyunseo interrupts with her eyes widen "so it's someone you're close to that is giving him this information, someone you would never expect"

Jiwon nods "Bingo"

"Someone so close to you, that you would hesitate to even turn them in, and he knows that" Rei whispers

Wonyoung and Yujin sit there realizing they had a point

"Someone so close that you could see then everyday and you wouldn't even know it" Gaeul mumbles

"That would sound like one of our members" Yujin said

"Could be, but I don't think so, you've said that you guys use eachothers phones often, unless one of them has a burner phone, you guys would've figured it out by now" Gaeul says

Wonyoung and Yujin nod "But then who else?"

Rei shruggs "That's for you guys to figure out, we're out of the loop dude"

"Maybe not" Hyunseo suddenly whispers

"What do you mean Hyun?" Jiwon asks

Hyunseo shows them her phone

Unknown number

???-you're in the loop now
*photo attachment*

Wonyoung clenches her teeth in anger, "What the hell!?!?"

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Wonyoung clenches her teeth in anger, "What the hell!?!?"

"You never said he was taking photos of you"

"I didn't think he was-"


All of them turn to the window

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