Chapter 12

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"I miss you Hii-chan"

Nako mutters and hugs the pillow

Where was Hitomi? Just visiting her family in Japan and Nako has never felt so lonely

Ofcourse Nako is being a bit dramatic, Hitomi will be back in a couple of days

Today is April 28th and they have nothing to do so Nako decided to just be dramatic, Ofcourse she did she misses her lover

Why did Nako and Sakura not go to visit their families in Japan?

Idk, just go along with it

Anyways some of them were out and the others were doing something else, watching there crush sleep (Yena), sleeping (Yuri), watching shows (Wonyoung and Yujin),playing games (Sakura), trying to get her girlfriend to talk to her (Chaewon), ignoring her girlfriend (Minju)

The only people she saw as an option to hang out with was Wonyoung and Yujin but Nako had just came back from watching shows with them and she did not want to witness their Flirting

It was already late at night anyways and Yena is most likely still in her room that Yuri and her share so she decides to just sleep in Hitomi's room, it's not like she would mind, then her phone let out a notification noise


-knowing you you are not asleep so you up?

Nako laughs at the text

yeah I was just about to go to your room

-my room? Why?

-because Yena is in my room with Yuri, so not about to make my self suffer

-good point, you should probably go to sleep, goodnight love you

-Night Hii, love you too

Nako smiled and put her phone on the night stand before shutting of the lights and falling asleep in Hitomi's bed

Next day, April 29,2021....


Yuri and Yena jump off Yuri's bed as they hear Eunbi's voice

Eunbi stops

"Oh....did I interrupt?"

Yena shakes her head, blushing

"N-no, bit Nakos' not here"

Eunbi looks around

"Where is that girl?"

Yuri shruggs

"Maybe Hitomi's room?"

Eunbi nods and walks to Hitomi's room and barges in


Nako jumps awake, she rubs her eyes, annoyed and glares at Eunbi

"Unnie what?"

Eunbi seemed panick

"Have you seen the articles?"

"I just woke up....No"

Nako mumbles while frowning, she picks up her phone and immediately notices that Hitomi spammed her


-Nako, we're in trouble
-Shit Shit Shit, it's all over my damn feed
-my parents already knew, what about your parents
-This is bad so so bad
-I may have not told you about one certain girl in AKB48, she's spamming me with calls and texts, MAD,
-are you still asleep?
-Uhhh I think Akihiko's parents saw it....
-the didn't know? I would have assumed they would
-AHHHH your parents are calling me
-They're cool with it Yay!
-do we admit it? WHAT DO WE DO?
-go to hell with your love for sleep

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