Chapter 10 (2kim's VLIVE)

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Minju and Chaewon sat next to each other nervous

They we're ready to go live

It was currently the 18th and the company told them to address it live

Minju glance at Yena and Hitomi behind the camera laughing

"Can you two stop?" Minju mumbled

"Sorry Min, it's just funny, right Tomi?" Yena manages to say in between laughter

Hitomi nodded and high fived Yena

Hitomi never really joined in Yena's teasing but this time She couldn't resist

"You know people are calling me the matchmaker, telling me to do the same thing for Yena unnie and Yul" Hitomi said smiling

"Ok both of you out, they have to start the VLIVE" Eunbi said as she came into Minju's room


"No come on both of you" Eunbi said as she walked them out the door

"We'll tease them from the living room with snacks as we watch the VLIVE" Eunbi whispers to them

"HEY!" Minu and Chaewon yell

Chaewon and Minju glanced at eachother

Chaewon starts the Live

They immediately see the comments as people flood in

'When your Ult ship become real'
'You two are so cute while nervous'
"Yena has to had teased you at some point today'
"Do you guys know who leaked it? I'm worried for all of you I don't want your guys relationship to come out when you don't feel ready'

Minju smiles "Ummm Hi Wiz*One!"

"Hi Wiz*One" Chaewon mumbles nervously

Minju glances are Chaewon urging her to speak

Chaewon clears her throat

"I'm sure you guys have seen the ummm articles by now right?"

-It's everywhere
-not Minju making Chaewon speak

"So uhhh I don't know how to do this, help me Min"

Minju chuckles but stops and frowns

"I just remembered they're watching..."

-whos watching?

"So our members are teasing us and being annoying and we can hear them laughing from the living room"

Chaewon said

-Typical Izone
-Even Eunbi? Wow
-I would to if I were them
-So....are there any more couples in Izone like Yulyen? Or is Hitomi working on it?

"And no Hitomi has retired from being the quote on quote matchmaker"

Minju said as she saw the comments

The door flings open

"No I have not!"

Minju and Chaewon laughed at Hitomi

Hitomi leaned towards the camera

"I'm working on someone I promise, may it be in IZ*ONE or somewhere else? You'll have to stay tuned"

Hitomi whispered

Nako then came into the room

"You know this was not even her idea it was the rest not me included"

Chaewon looks at her confused

"What do you mean?"


The members shout from the living room

"I'm gonna expose them, Hiichan sit next to Chaewon unnie I'll sit next to Minju"

Hitomi nods and sits next to Chaewon

"Welcome to Exposing IZ*ONE"
Hitomi said while making sound effects

Nako shuts the door and locks it then sits down

-this turned to a whole ass show
-Hitomi and Nako have now taken over
-I can hear the members yelling

"So basically We all know Chaewon and Minju like eachother since Produce 48 time right? So we are getting annoyed it's gone from cute to annoying, so me and Hitomi are sleeping in our own rooms next thing we know we are being dragged to the kitchen of dorm 2, the other dorm, and they have some type of meeting at like 2am without 2kim. Hitomi and I are not paying attention and start spacing out, like and hour or so later they come to some type of agreement"

Nako goes quite

"What was the agreement?"

Minju asks

"It was the middle of the night I don't really remember"

Hitomi laughs

"I do, it was the the "Flirting" game"

Nako frowns


"What was the "Flirting" game?"

Hitomi laughs

"So basically I was payed to Flirt with Chaewon to make Minju jealous, although it just made Minju start questioning herself"

"Yeah....told them it wouldn't work but they didn't listen.."

-Why does Nako seem annoyed?
-Hold on is Hiinak a thing?
-I was a ssambang shipper but like I'm digging Hiinak and 2kim

Hitomi then realized she probably should've have brought it up since Nako clearly hadn't liked that whole thing

So to lighten up the mood she decided to bring up the last time she did this

"I also played "matchmaker" with my friend Akio, I got him and his girlfriend together, so who should I do next?"

Hitomi asked

"Oh i know-"

"Dont say it outloud at least right now....on camera"

Hitomi interrupted Minju

Minju nods but seems excited

"So since this VLIVE had a purpose before you two interrupted, me and Minju are dating people deal with it"

Chaewon said more confidently 

Nako laughed

"The confidence, no fear or nothing"

-this is too funny
-best VLIVE of all time
-I can hear the members laughing
-Damn Chaewon were that confidence come from?

"Ok Nako and Hitomi end this VLIVE were out to beat the others up for this, Bye~"

Chaewon laughed before following Minju

"Bye Wiz*One"

Hitomi and Nako glanced at eachother

"Uhhhh this isn't even our VLIVE?..."

Nako mumbled


Hitomi yelled before going after them

Nako watches Hitomi leave

"Uhhhhh what do I do?Ummm oh yeah, the company is dealing with the anonymous person so don't worry about that, other than that....Bye Wiz*One"

Vlive Ended

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