Chapter 6

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In a penthouse in Seoul....

"Akio" finds himself wondering if getting involved is a good idea

Then his phone rings
He smiles at the number and picks up

"Hello" He frowns at what the other person says

"Have more information?" The woman on the other side says

" He won't tell me he's smart" He responds

The woman sighs "Please you have to get information before it's too late"

Then he remembers "Wait I remembered he's gathering up information to sent to their company,members,and for the public"

The other line went silent "That's not good"

"Akio" nods like if The woman can see him "Should we tell Hitomi?"

The woman on the other side shakes her head again like if he can see her "No you know how she is she would distance herself from Nako and it would just ruin what we have done since we found out"

The guy hums and agreement then laughs "I can't believe he thinks Akio would really do this should have done more digging into Hitomi's past"

The Woman laughs as well "Yeah like Akio is a sweetheart yes he liked Hitomi but he let her go when she fell for Nako I'm happy they're still friends and Akio has moved on"

The guy hums "Yeah he's a sweetheart thanks to him this Yokoyama thinks I'm him,how stupid"

The woman pauses "Wait does Nako know about Akio?"

The man pauses and thinks "I don't think so I believe she just thinks there friends"

The woman starts to panick "You think he'll tell her?"

The guy stops "Oh no no no God no this is bad"

The woman panicks even more "He's gonna figure out you're not Akio"

The man shakes his head "Akio and I are the same height. I wear a hoodie,sunglasses,and mask around Yokoyama.I don't think he'll figure it out"

"Ok but he'll still tell Nako if he's smart" The woman mutters

The man puts her on speaker and lays his head on his arms
"I didn't think about that,I'll try to figure it out"

"Ok but please do something"
"I'm trying"


Nako lays in her bed while Yuri is texting Yena on her phone

Yuri notices Nako and puts her phone down
"What's wrong Nako?" Yuri asks

"Huh? What do you mean? There nothing wrong" Nako respondes/aks confused

Yuri shruggs "You and Hitomi have been on edge recently"

Nako shakes her head "I'm fine just feeling sick I guess"

Yuri stands up and sits down on Nako's bed
Nako sits up and they both look at each other

"What about Hitomi?" Yuri asks

Nako shruggs "I don't know"

Yuri was gonna say something when Nako got a text

It was from Akihiko
She was gonna ignore it but she notices they're images

She opens the messages and her heart drops

She knew who Akio was he was one of Hitomi's bestfriends but this pictures hurt her

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