Chapter 1 Pg.9

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Coffee shop


I let out a sigh as I watched TV. The policy was right. As long as it didn't come in between Forest's schooling. I can't seem to get her out of my head.
"Why can't I get her out of my head. It seems like shes always on my mind ever since I met her" I said to myself.
  I got up and put my plate in the sink and then made me a glass of scotch. I looked at the time. I need to get some sleep.
  I gulped down the rest of the scotch and put the glass in the sink. I then turned off all of the lights and tv, heading into my room.
"I have to meet my brother again tomorrow...God hes a pain" I said to myself.
  I slipped out of my grey sweats and plug in my phone and then pulled the blankets over me and fell asleep.

*Next Day*

I stretch my body. I sat up on the side of bed and rubbed my hands over my face.
  I sat there for a little bit and stood up stretching my legs. I headed into the bathroom.
  I use the bathroom, washing my hands right after. I grab my tooth brush and brush my teeth.
  I spit the tooth paste back into the sink and rinse with mouth wash. I them grab my brush and a hair tie and tie my hair up in a low bun.
  I headed into my closet and pick out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans with a white shirt and shoes.
  I then grab a white pair of ankle socks and change into them. I then grab my glasses slipping them on as I headed for the door.
I grabbed my keys and my wallet, sticking my wallet in my back pocket.
  I shut the door behind me and lock it. I then unlock my truck and headed over to the coffee shop to grab me a bagel. I knew that's where my brother Mason would want to meet.


I let out a yawn as I look at my clock. Eight aclock. Ugh. My body never let's me sleep in anymore. I got up and headed into the bathroom.
  After using the bathroom, washing my hands and doing my normal morning routine. I headed into my closet.
  I picked out some light washed ripped jeans, with a black plain T-shirt. I then found my black slip on shoes and changed into them.
  Heading into the kitchen, I was about to make breakfast when my phone had went off.
"Ugh...I just came from my room" I mumbled to myself as I made my way back to my room seeing my phone flashing. It was my momma.

"Shit, I knew I was forgetting about something. She was gonna have Forest for the weekend to where I could have a break" I said. I started to panic.
  I picked up the phone.

N: Goodmorning momma. How are you?

M:Goodmorning sweety! I'm doing wonderful. I was going to let you know I was on my way to pick up Forest. I hope it is okay? I was gonna grab us some breakfast.

N: Uh yeah momma that's fine. Hes still sleeping, but I will get him up. His bag is already ready. When will you be here?

M:In the next ten minutes. I had gotten a early start on my day. I will see you real soon sweety. I love you.

N: I love to you too, momma. I will see you in a little bit.

I hung the phone and rush into Forest's room. I shook him a little bit.

"Forest hunny, go brush your teeth. Nana will be here soon yo pick you up for breakfast." I said. He rushed out of bed and rushed into his bathroom.
  I grabbed his little suit case and started to pack him some clothes. I double checked on everything and then made sure to put his inhaler in the front pocket with a extra one.
  I set out his clothes for the day and take his suit case and out it by the door. Just as I'm about to put his suit case down, my door bell rings.
  I open it and see momma. She immediately smiles at me. I smile and pull her into a hug.

"Hi momma" I said.

"Hi sweetheart. Is little man ready?" She asked.

"He's just about-

"I'm ready, I'm ready! Hi Nana" Forest yelled while running over to her and almost knocking her over. He interrupted me. I just laughed and pulled the little handle out of his suit case and let him do it.
  I bent down to his level and gave him a hug.

"Alright you have everything in your bag. You inhaler is in there to if you need. Along with a EpiPen just in case. You be good for Nana okay" I said.
  He nodded his head and smiled at me. I stood up and said goodbye to them both. As I make sure he gets in the car, I shut the door, letting out a breath.

"I have never packed a bag that fast in my life" I said to myself. I made my way over to my truck keys and purse.
  I headed out the door and locked it behind me. I headed to my truck and got in driving to the coffee shop.

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