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"You are back so early, may I ask why?" Nafisa looked at her daughter who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Mami, I promise I didn't insult or do anything to him. The man was so nice and gentle, he was the one that told me to come back inside so that you won't worry about me staying longer than necessary," She smiled when in fact, she wanted to decapitate her mouth for calling him nice and gentle when he was the complete opposite.

"Oh, I see. I hope he is the one for you. When is my son-in-law coming over for greetings?" Her mother was so happy which made Marwa's heart melt, she didn't want to ruin the moment.

"Pfft! That arrogant scumbag will never be the one for me," She muttered to herself.

"Did you say something?" She asked.

"Yes, I said I would talk to him about coming over for greetings," She responded, resisting the urge to yell and rant her heart out.

"I knew it, that stone heart of yours will surely be stolen one day," Hidayah said in a sing-song voice.

"I would like it if you stop talking with that hideous voice of yours," Marwa finally found a way of venting her anger, before they could process what she said, the said girl sprinted to her room.


"What happened?" Immediately Zafeer entered the living room in his chamber, he was steadied by three siblings of his who were worried sick.

Ranging from his bleeding forehead down to his red skin, they all took it in. He couldn't even walk straight because he was feeling dizzy, it was a miracle that he drove back to the palace safely. The arrogant man still refused the guards' offer to take him inside his chamber.

"It's his sun poisoning again, let me go and get his medicine," Turad, being the only doctor in the family, spoke and ran to Zafeer's room.

"What happened to you? Say something Zafeer," Junaid worriedly urged.

"My body is burning," He managed to talk, his body was in so much pain.

They led him to his room and laid him down on the bed. The room was gigantic, to say the least. It screamed royalty and opulence. It was painted in a deep shade of grey, a black and golden royal electronic king-sized bed sat at the far end of the room, a person must even climb a staircase to get to it.

At the other end of the room where Turad was frantically looking for Zafeer's pills, there were black and golden drawers, a golden royal console with a big oval-shaped mirror, three ottomans, and different shapes of throw pillows neatly arranged on the carpeted floor. The Persian rug was black and golden. There was also a sliding door walk-in closet where the prince's clothes and accessories are kept, that alone is a room on its own.

"Give him water, I can't seem to find his pills," Turad ran his hands through his hair frustratedly.

They did as he said, Zafeer gulped the water in a go, he didn't even hesitate. He kept panting, his eyes were almost closing before he saw Turad letting out a squeal as he came with the first aid kit and his pills.

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